
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 7th May 2024.


Public Forum


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed the two members of the public present.


The first to speak stated that they were there to ensure that the Parish Council were aware that the Planning Application for the proposed Anaerobic Digester plant at Gunby had been posted on the SKDC Planning Portal. They had earlier attended the South Witham Parish Council meeting who initially thought that this planning application would not affect South Witham. They commented that the application had gaps and discrepancies for example: -

• It was unknown where the majority of the crop would come from.

• The volume had increased from 120,000 tonne to 130,000 tonne of crop per year.

• Potentially almost 12,000 HGV movements per year.

• New junctions would be created in Gunby for access to the plant. They said that they had submitted mitigating suggestions to ease this.

• Not all information had been submitted on the traffic statement.

• They expressed their frustration in submitting an objection due to the contradictions in the application and the volume of documents that they need to trawl through.


Cllr J Clark said they believed that the company ‘Ironstone Energy Limited’ would have no control over the use of ‘Third Party’ HGV companies, they will rely on Sat Nav’s for directions and all the local villages will be affected.


The second member of the public to speak suggested that the solution would be that another location is found such as Gonerby.


A short discussion took place between the residents and Cllrs. Cllr Clark reminded everyone that the Parish Council representations need to be objective.


Cllr C (Chair)Hainsworth confirmed that the Clerk had already requested an extension to the deadline. Which if agreed would take the deadline for comments to after the Parish Council meeting on Tuesday 4th June 2024 and that the Parish Council will keep those present informed.


The public forum was extended to 7.50pm to allow both members of the public to speak.


At 8.24pm another member of the public arrived accompanied by a friend. At 8.45pm Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) invited them to speak. They asked if CCTVs could be installed in the village. Cllrs C Hainsworth and J Clark explained that there are rules and regulations around these and that they would be very expensive to purchase and install. 


Cllr C Hainsworth thanked the member of the public for attending the meeting and advised them that the broken metal gate on Colster Way Playing Field which they had previously reported had recently been repaired and re-attached. 


Councillors: C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie, J Clark, G Henton, K Vickers, M Childs, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell and R Chatterton. 


In Attendance   


Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SKDC Cllrs D Bellamy.

LCC Cllr C Vernon who left at 8.40pm.




Agenda Item No

2024.1 Apologies for absence. Cllr S Banwait, valid reason given. Cllr L McShane arrived at 9.15pm, valid reason given.


2024.2 Chairman’s remarks.


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) had no remarks and moved straight to the business of the meeting.


2024.3 Elections:


1 Election of Chairman


Cllr J Clark proposed Cllr C Hainsworth, seconded by Cllr M Childs. 

Cllr C Hainsworth was unanimously voted as Chairman.


2 Election of Vice Chairman


Cllr C Hainsworth proposed Cllr E O’Neill, seconded by Cllr C Russell. 

Cllr E O’Neill was unanimously voted as Vice Chairman.



2024.4 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000



2024.5 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


Cllrs R Chatterton and G Henton abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting. All other members present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 9th April 2024 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.


2024.6 Election of lead Councillors for: -


1 - Finance and Administration Committee x 4 Councillors


It was proposed, seconded and


Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie and C Russell were duly elected.


2 - Environment and Amenities Working Group x 3 Councillors

It was proposed, seconded and



Cllr K Vickers volunteered, and other Cllrs would volunteer on an ad hoc basis as and when required. 


3 - Footpaths and Highways Working Group x 3 Councillors

It was proposed, seconded and



Cllr C Hainsworth volunteered, and other Cllrs would volunteer on an ad hoc basis as and when required. 


4 – Planning Committee x 4 Councillors


It was proposed, seconded and


Cllrs C Hainsworth, C Rowland, D Bellamy and C Russell were duly elected.


2024.7 County/District Councillor Report.


LCC Cllr C Vernon reported: -


1. They thanked Cllr D Bellamy for sending the photo of the traffic travelling through the High Street, Colsterworth following the closure of the A1 on Friday evening 3rd May 2024. They have sent the photo to the LCC Highways Department.

2. Alicia Kearns MP recently raised the subject of the A1 in the House of Commons and has launched a survey on how to make the A1 safer. The survey can be found on the following link. https://www.aliciakearns.com/a1-survey . Cllr C Vernon encouraged all Cllrs to complete the survey.

Cllr J Clark raised the point that it is what happens in the villages when the A1 is closed that is the issue. There is no Police presence or enforcement. The County Council has no powers of enforcement. A discussion took place on ideas of how to improve the issue. Cllr C Vernon said they would take this forward with LCC and the Police to establish lines of responsibility.

3. Operation SNAP is a portal where photos can be uploaded and viewed and if there is a traffic offence action is taken. Link to Operation SNAP https://www.lincs.police.uk/police-forces/lincolnshire-police/areas/campaigns/campaigns/op-snap/ 


SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Report: - See agenda item 2024.18.


2024.8 Resolve to accept the Clear Council Parish Councils Insurance Renewal invitation of £757.68 as recommended by the Clerk.

It was proposed, seconded and



The Clerk showed evidence of obtaining alternative quotations, but these were not competitive.


It was unanimously resolved to accept the updated three-year renewal term of £725.76 per year with Clear Councils.


The Parish On-Line subscription will be reviewed at the next Parish Council meeting.



2024.9 Brick Bus Shelter, High Street, Colsterworth. (Cllr E. O’Neill): -


1. Resolve to create a swap shop library and purchase shelving to hold the books up to £100.00.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


2. Resolve to purchase two hanging baskets including brackets up to £100.00.

Resolve to invite volunteers to water the hanging baskets and check the bus shelter swap shop library weekly. 

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed. Cllr E O’Neill (Vice Chair) volunteered to water the hanging baskets.



2024.10 Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of ‘D’ Day. (Cllrs E. O’Neill & K Vickers)

1. Resolve to form a working party to organise commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.

Subject to organising a working party agree the location to light the Beacon to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Location to be confirmed. (Previous agenda item 2023.145 up to £200 agreed to purchase gas) 


It was proposed, seconded and


Cllr K Vickers advised that it is not permitted to use the Parish Council Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Beacon for the 80th Anniversary of ‘D’ Day. A discussion took place on the potential costs of purchasing a new D-Day Beacon in addition to the £200 already agreed to purchase the required gas. After the discussion Cllr K Vickers asked that the agenda item was dropped for this year.


2024.11 Resolve to consider a request from Colsterworth Youth Club for the Parish Council to investigate the costs and permissions required to install a new path from Colster Way directly to Little Legs nursery gate with costs paid by or contributed to by the Youth Club. (Update from Agenda item from March 2023.165).


It was proposed, seconded and


The request was considered, and it was resolved to investigate further and request plans and ideas for the footpath from the Colsterworth Youth Club.


2024.12 Resolve to agree how to control the increased rabbit population on the Flower Meadow area on the Nature Trail.


It was proposed, seconded and


Cllrs discussed the issue and methods of control with two long standing Cllrs recalling that there had previously been an issue and methods of control with the rabbit population in Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth several years earlier and that it resolved itself without intervention. It was agreed for the Clerk to write to the complainant suggesting that they install rabbit fencing where appropriate.


2024.13 Risk Exception Report

2024.14 Clerks Report Action

1. Footpath 19 Reported to LCCROW for clearing. Ref 2125158. Allocated a Priority 2. Will be resolved by 9th June 2024. Clerk

2. A Pre-Contract meeting for the restoration of the War Memorial was held with the Architects PPIY, contractors Pinnacle Conservation and the Parish Council on Friday 12 April at 10.30 a.m. Work to start in May subject to approval from the SKDC Conservation Officer. Clerk/Cllrs

3. The Parish Council objection to the SKDC Regulation 18 - Draft Local Plan Review land allocation of SKPR-120 land at the east of Stamford Road with an allocation of a minimum of approximately 70 houses was submitted on 22/04/2024. Clerk/Cllrs

4. Previously reported potholes at Stainby Crossroads updated on FMS as a priority. New pothole at the bottom of Stainby Hill reported to FMS. Clerk

5. Thank you to the local residents who recently picked up the dog waste bags left on the floor on Old Post Lane and the Nature Trail. Clerk

6. December Meeting Minute Ref 2023.136 noted as a S137 £500 towards the shed for pre-loved uniform. Clerk

7. The ivy has been removed from the brick bus shelter on Woolsthorpe Road near to the entrance to The Close. Work agreed February Meeting agenda item 2023.144. Clerk

8. The leaking standpipe at Stamford Road allotments has been repaired. Clerk

9. The Internal audit was completed by LALC on Friday 26th April and the Annual Internal Audit Report for the Annual Governance and Accountability Return signed. Clerk

10. The metal gate at Colster Way playing field has been re-attached by a local resident, their brother and tools loaned from another resident at no charge to the Parish Council. Thank you. Clerk

2024.15 Correspondence

1. Report of dangerous/inconsiderate parking on Colster Way, close to Little Legs Nursery. Advised to make a 101 Police report. Clark/Police

2. Offer from Balfour Beatty for their site and office staff to spend a day or two volunteering such as litter picking, tree planting, or basic manual labour. Clerk

3. Report that the Melton and Grantham Road signs were dumped in a hedge on Stamford Road close to the A1. Reported to FMS. Clerk

4. Request from the Nature Trail Ranger to purchase materials to repair the steps at the Bridge End entrance to the Nature Trail and 20 x safety helmets from the Nature Trail budget at a cost of £168.08. Clerk

5. Report of large numbers of rabbits from the Nature Trail creating holes on the adjoining paddock. Raised as an agenda item ref May 2024.12. Clerk/Cllrs

6. Further to SKDC Cllr Ben Green’s report in the April 2024 meeting about the roof of St Mary’s Church North Witham a resident has informed the Parish Council that they made contact with SKDC planning team enforcement team before just Christmas 2023 to request that an enforcement notice be served on the Diocese of Lincoln regarding repairs and their duty to maintain a Grade I listed property.  


They have had several emails from SKDC who have written to The Diocese and informed them of their obligations.  The response so far indicates that funding for church repairs will be difficult to come by, but the Historic Churches Support Officer will be making a visit very soon to view the situation. SKDC stated that they view the church, and its grounds are in a very poor state in general.  


They have said that a roof replacement of the same as before is unlikely, however will work to provide a more robust temporary covering.

The enforcement reference is ENF24/0006 Clerk/SKDC

7. Report that the door lamp at the entrance of the Village Hall has minimal illumination and the lamp above the defibrillator is off. The Clerk to advise the Village Hall committee. Clerk

8. Report from a resident unhappy with the verge grass cutting adjacent to their garden wall on Bourne Road. The Clerk explained that it is not in the grass cutting contractors contract to collect the grass cuttings or strim in that area. The contract is ‘cut and fly’ only. Clerk

SKDC Planning Applications Comments

S24/0568 Proposal: Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and carbon capture, improvement of existing and part creation of new access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.

Location: Development East Of Sewstern Industrial Estate South Of, Sewstern Road, Gunby, Lincolnshire, NG33 5RD See agenda item 2024.18.2

S24/0701 Erection of timber double garage. 11 Pasture Close, Colsterworth. NG33 5NA None

2024.16 SKDC Planning Permission

S24/0306 Removal of T1 Maple tree. 1 Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NH. None




Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee Report (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, L McShane & C Russell) No report this month.


1. Agree the date of the next F & A Committee meeting.


Agreed for the Clerk to circulate suggested dates to the Committee members. Post meeting note. F&A Committee Meeting date agreed, 7pm on 23rd May 2024 at the Methodist Church Hall.


Finance: The Annual Governance And Accountability Return 2023/2024


2. Approval of Annual Governance Statement section 1- 2023/2024

It was proposed, seconded and


The Annual Governance Statement Section 1 was unanimously approved.


3. Sign Annual Governance statement section 1 – 2023/2024.

It was proposed, seconded and


The Annual Governance Statement Section 1 was duly signed by the Chair of the Council Cllr C Hainsworth and the Clerk.


4. Approval of Annual Accounting Statements section 2 – 2023/2024

It was proposed, seconded and


The Annual Accounting Statement Section 2 was unanimously approved.


5. Sign Annual Accounting statements section 2 – 2023/2024.

It was proposed, seconded and


The Annual Accounting Statements section 2 were duly signed by the Clerk then by the Chair to the Council Cllr C Hainsworth


6. Approval of Statements of Accounts – 2023/2024

It was proposed, seconded and


The Statements of Accounts were unanimously approved.


7. Approve the Notice of the period of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return. 2023/2024

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved.



Resolve to approve the following policies at their annual review: -


8. CAD Freedom of Information Request

9. CAD Freedom of Information Decision Template

10. CAD Nature Trail Risk Assessment

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved with the amendments to the Nature Trail Risk Assessment.


The following policy reviews are deferred to after the next F&A Committee Meeting.

11. CAD Standing Orders 

12. CAD Financial Reserves 

13. CAD Code of Conduct 

14. CAD Communications 

15. CAD Social Media Policy 


16. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code


Received by Cllrs with no comment.

2024.18 Planning Committee Report - No Committee Report.


1. Neighbourhood Plan Review update. (Cllr D Bellamy)


The review will be picked up after the Local Plan has been agreed.


2. Resolve to comment on the Anaerobic Digester plant planning application at Gunby when the planning application is received by the Parish Council.


Cllr D Bellamy Reported: -

1. Suggested to compare the Easton Cold Store Planning Application S24/0544. For the redevelopment and updating of an existing waste-water treatment facility and the installation of an anaerobic digestion plant with capacity to produce 5mw of renewable energy with the S24/0568 proposed Anaerobic Digester plant at Gunby.

2. The S24/0568 Planning Application will be called into SKDC Planning Committee.

3. Suggested to look at the SKDC Renewable Energy Criteria

4. Suggested to look at the County Council past similar planning applications.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously that the Parish Council would submit an objection to the planning application.


*Post meeting note. An extension to the consultation period until the 14th June 2024 was granted by the SKDC Senior Planning Officer.


3. To receive a report from the Clerk following the Colsterworth Collective Action Group Meeting held 29th April 2024.

Report circulated to Cllrs. No comments received.


Group Reports

2024.19 1 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report. 


No report this month.

2024.20 2



2 Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.


War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update (S Grant – Clerk) Circulated and uploaded to the CADPC Website. No comments received.


2. Post Restoration Plan to be agreed.

Cllr E O’Neill requested the CFoR Plaque suggestion is included as a standing agenda item going forward.



Unanimously approved see Appendix A



2024.22 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights. 


1. Cllr M Childs reported deep pot-holes junction Old Post Lane, Stainby Road, Post Lane. *Post meeting note - The Clerk reported these to FMS 08/05/2024 Ref 2805813.



2024.23 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 4th June 2024. There being no other business, Chairperson C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 9.30 pm.




CHAIRPERSON                                                         DATE:




Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January) 

Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent

J Clark North Witham & Lobthorpe 1

D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 1

A Bouvie Colsterworth 1

E O’Neill Colsterworth 1

C Hainsworth Colsterworth 1

G Henton Colsterworth 1

L McShane Colsterworth 1

S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth

C Russell Colsterworth 1

K Vickers Colsterworth 1

M Childs Colsterworth 1

C Rowland Colsterworth 1

R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 1

Vacancy Gunby & Stainby







Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

08/05/2024 Stuart Whitcombe InTouch Editing November edition £85.00

08/05/2024 Staff 2 & 3 Community Cleaning £657.23

09/05/2024 Life In Pictures In Touch Printing £417.60

09/05/2024 Stuart Park Ivy removal Bus Shelter Woolsthorpe Road £180.00

09/05/2024 Stuart Park Stanpipe repair Stamford Road allotments £30.00

10/05/2024 Starboard Systems Limited SCRIBE Accounts renewal £414.72

10/05/2024 Colsterworth Trust Estate Ground Rent Woolsthorpe Road allotments £10.00

11/05/2024 Clear Insurance Management Limited Parish Council Insurance Renewal £725.76

12/05/2024 Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Internal Audit £324.00

12/05/2024 David Warden (MCS Ground Care) LCC & Village Grass cut £524.00

13/05/2024 David Warden (MCS Ground Care) LCC & Village Grass cut £559.00

14/05/2024 David Warden (MCS Ground Care) LCC & Village Grass cut £884.00


  Sub Total £4,811.38


07 05 2024 Staff 1 salary Salary & Exp £1,234.14

07/05/2024 Colsterworth Allotment and Gardeners Association Church Troughs Minute Ref December 132.2 £280.00


  Sub Total £1,514.14


Grand Total £6,325.45


26/04/2024 HSBC Bank charges £7.40

30/04/2024 Focus Office phone £42.79








30/04/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £24,501.57

30/04/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £50.19


30/04/2024 Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £6,325.45

30/04/2024 Plus unpresented receipts £0.00




30/04/2024 Deposit Account £29,576.86

02/05/2024 Community Account £51,167.37

  Total £80,744.23


  Less unpresented Payments & chq's + unpresented receipts £74,418.78