
There is a meeting of the Parish Council at the Methodist Church Hall, Back Lane, Colsterworth, commencing at 7.30pm, on Tuesday 7th May 2024. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. Supporting information can be found at 

Members of the Public and the Press are welcome. There will be a Public Forum commencing at 7.30pm for 10 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council.

Agenda Item No

2024.1 Apologies for absence.

2024.2 Chairman’s remarks.

2024.3 Elections:

1 Election of Chairman

2 Election of Vice Chairman

2024.4 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000

2024.5 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 

2024.6 Election of lead Councillors for: -

1 - Finance and Administration Committee x 4 Councillors

2 - Environment and Amenities Working Group x 3 Councillors

3 - Footpaths and Highways Working Group x 3 Councillors

4 – Planning Committee x 4 Councillors

2024.7 County/District Councillor Report.

2024.8 Resolve to accept the Clear Council Parish Councils Insurance Renewal invitation of £757.68 as recommended by the Clerk.

2024.9 Brick Bus Shelter, High Street, Colsterworth. (Cllr E. O’Neill): -

1. Resolve to create a swap shop library and purchase shelving to hold the books up to £100.00.

2. Resolve to purchase two hanging baskets including brackets up to £100.00.

3. Resolve to invite volunteers to water the hanging baskets and check the bus shelter swap shop library weekly. 

2024.10 Commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of ‘D’ Day. (Cllrs E. O’Neill & K Vickers)

1. Resolve to form a working party to organise commemorating the 80th Anniversary of D-Day.

Subject to organizing a working party agree the location to light the Beacon to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. Location to be confirmed.  (Previous agenda item 2023.145 up to £200 agreed to purchase gas) 

2024.11 Resolve to consider a request from Colsterworth Youth Club for the Parish Council to investigate the costs and permissions required to install a new path from Colster Way directly to Little Legs nursery gate with costs paid by or contributed to by the Youth Club. (Update from Agenda item from March 2023.165).

2024.12 Resolve to agree how to control the increased rabbit population on the Flower Meadow area on the Nature Trail.

2024.13 Risk Exception Report

2024.14 Clerks Report

2024.15 Correspondence Received

2024.16 Planning Applications

2024.17 Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee Report (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, L McShane & C Russell). No report this month.

1. Agree the date of the next F & A Committee meeting.

Finance: The Annual Governance And Accountability Return 2023/2024

2. Approval of Annual Governance Statement section 1- 2023/2024

3. Sign Annual Governance statement section 1 – 2023/2024.

4. Approval of Annual Accounting Statements section 2 – 2023/2024

5. Sign Annual Accounting statements section 2 – 2023/2024.

6. Approval of Statements of Accounts – 2023/2024

7. Approve the Notice of the period of Public Rights and Publication of Unaudited Annual Governance and Accountability Return. 2023/2024

Resolve to approve the following policies at their annual review: -

8. CAD Freedom of Information Request

      9. CAD Freedom of Information Decision Template

      10. CAD Nature Trail Risk Assessment

The following policy reviews are deferred to after the next F&A Committee Meeting.

11. CAD Standing Orders 

12. CAD Financial Reserves 

13. CAD Code of Conduct 

14. CAD Communications 

15. CAD Social Media Policy 

16. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code 

 2024.18 Planning Committee Report 

1. Neighbourhood Plan Review update. 

2. Resolve to comment on the Anaerobic Digester plant planning application at Gunby when the planning application is received by the Parish Council.

3. To receive a report from the Clerk following the Colsterworth Collective Action Group Meeting held 29th April 2024.

Group Reports

2024.19 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (Ad hoc)  

2024.20 Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project

1. War Memorial Project update (S Grant – Clerk) 

2. Post Restoration Plan to be agreed.

2024.20 Accounts for payment April 2024.  Please contact the Clerk for details.

2024.21 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.

2024.22 Date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 4th June 2024.

Date Posted 30th April 2024  Email:  Tel: 01476 861888 Website: