

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3rd December 2024.


Public Forum


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the one member of public present to speak.


The member of the public said they had again come to the Parish Council meeting regarding the proposed Anaerobic Digester plant at Gunby. They expressed their frustration with the delay in the planning application having not yet been heard by the SKDC Planning Committee. They stated that the core group representing the community were making someone available each month to attend the Planning Committee meeting to speak and answer questions. A discussion took place around the Planning Committee processes. They asked if the Parish Council could request that the application goes to the February 2025 Planning Committee meeting. Cllr D Bellamy said they would make the request but pointed out that even if it was on the agenda it could be deferred. Cllr C Hainsworth said with Christmas and The New Year holidays approaching it was bad timing and that the Parish Council were also frustrated with the delay and would keep communication open with the member of the public.


The public forum was extended to 7.52pm to allow the member of the public to speak and discuss the matter.


Councillors: C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell, A Bouvie and M Childs.


In Attendance   


Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SKDC Cllr D Bellamy who left the meeting at 8.20pm.

LCC Cllr C Vernon.


Agenda Item No

2024.113 Apologies for absence. Cllrs K Vickers G Henton, R Chatterton and L McShane. Valid reasons given.

2024.114 Chairman’s remarks.


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) had no significant remarks and moved on to the next agenda item.

2024.115 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000



2024.116 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


Cllr M Childs abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting, all others present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 5th November 2024 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.


2024.117 County/District Councillor Report.


LCC Cllr C Vernon Reported: -

1. They thanked all that attended the meeting with Alicia Kearns MP regarding the A1 and road safety on 15th November at South Witham village hall. 106 people attended the meeting.

2. They urged people to comment on the National Highways Consultation on the proposals to close the gaps on the central reservation along the A1 in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Rutland, between Blyth and Stamford. Closing date 14th December 2024. Cllr Hainsworth added that the Chair of Great Ponton Parish Council had contacted Colsterworth Parish Council stating that the first proposed step merits support and would appreciate working together on this.

3. They were now Community Speed Watch (CSW) trained and volunteered to help with the Colsterworth CSW group. Cllr Hainsworth thanked Cllr C Vernon and said currently the Colsterworth CSW had no coordinator but would look to pick this up again after the winter months. 

4. Parking issues on the High Street, Colsterworth continue to be an issue and they would chase up the LCC Highways Manager Rowan Smith to contact the Parish Council.

5. A reminder to use Lorry Watch to report the misuse of weight restricted routes by lorries. 


SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Reported: -

1. Requested to send a written submission on the proposed A1 gap closures.

2. Local Plan Review – If changes to the National Framework Policy are confirmed of around an uplift of 30% of houses this will have to go out to Consultation again.

3. They along with Cllr C Russell and Margaret Winn went to the Colsterworth Community Action Group (CCAG) meeting, to date there had been no follow up and Cllr C Hainsworth said it was important to keep the link with the group.

4. They hoped that the Parish Council will support the UKSPF application for a temporary roof for the Church at North Witham.  Cllr C Hainsworth moved straight to agenda item 2024.119 clearing a point of order that it should be Cllr D Bellamy’s name against the agenda item not Cllr B Green.


SKDC Cllr B Green sent their apologies.


2024.119 Resolve to support a UKSPF Application to pay for temporary repairs to St Mary’s Church roof, North Witham in line with the procurement guidelines and permissions required. (SKDC Cllr B Green)


It was proposed, seconded and



Cllr D Bellamy agreed to take forward this proposal and advised that two quotations had been received and the third one was expected.


It was unanimously agreed to support the UKSPF Application.


2024.120 Resolve to discuss how to make our community more flood resilient. (Cllr L McShane)


It was proposed, seconded and


The Parish Council will review their existing arrangements and defer back to Cllr L McShane.

2024.118 Resolve to approve the quotation for repairs to the play areas highlighted on the annual Wicksteed Inspection.


It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed to approve the amended quotation for Colster Way play area of £1,975.15 for repairs to the Cable Runway, Spring See-Saw and Overhead Rotator.


Replacement parts for the cradle seats at North Witham and Colster Way Play areas are on order.


The Clerk will investigate quotes for repainting of the play equipment and weather  proof treatment of wooden benches.

2024.121 Risk Exception Report.


Received with no comment.

2024.122 Clerks Report Action

1. The diseased tree at the Bridge End entrance to the Nature Trail was taken down and made safe by Kevin Russell of KWR and his team on 14/11/2024. Clerk

2. The Hedge along the track at Stamford Road Allotment minute ref November 2024.104.2. The resident has been advised to contact the Diocese of Lincoln who are the landowners. Clerk

3. The allotment inspections were carried out by the Clerk and Cllr C Rowland. Letters have been sent to the tenants of those allotments in need of some work. Clerk/Cllr C Rowland

4. Fallen tree and branch across Footpath 2o from Spring Lane to the River reported to Fix My Street ref 2824652 & LCC Rights of Way Ref  2348939. Clerk

5. Notification received from HSBC that they will be reducing the interest rates on Business accounts from 28th January 2025. Clerk

6. Work has been scheduled to cut back the overgrown weeds from the stream on Water Lane which are falling into the road. Clerk

7. The Clerk is clarifying the Play Area Inspection reports for Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth and North Witham Play Areas with Wicksteed Leisure Ltd. Clerk

2024.123 Correspondence

1. Resident raising the following points: -

1. Grass cutting schedule and what gets cut - ready for the 2025 season.

2. The two large gates and access.

3. Solar speed limit signs. 

4. The crossroads, High Street and Stamford Road.  Speeding lorry’s and  poor visibility poor.  Could the priority flow be changed so Main Street and Stamford Road have priority flow.  Clerk. This will be added to the LCC Review of High Street Road Safety issues.

2. Invitation received from National Highways to comments on their proposals to close gaps in the central reservation along the A1 in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Rutland, between Blyth and Stamford. Deadline 14th December 2024. Clerk/Cllrs

3. Request from the Chair of Great Ponton Parish Council to work together regarding the National Highways proposals above.  Clerk/Cllrs

2024.124 SKDC Planning Applications

S24/1425 Construction of 2 dwellings and demolition of agricultural Buildings. Twyford Farm, Honeypot Lane, Colsterworth None

SKDC Planning Permission

S24/1606 Installation of two rapid electric vehicle charging stations and ancillary equipment within the car park. Location: McDonald's Restaurant Great North Road.

S24/1244 Proposed erection of 2no. Commercial (Use Class B8) units. Location: Land At Honey Pot Lane Colsterworth.

2024.125 Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee Report (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill & A Bouvie) No Report this month.


Cllr E O’Neill explained the draft budget had been amended from £42,429 Minute Ref October 2024.88.1 to £43.588 due to the Autumn Budget increase in employers National Insurance Contributions from April 2025. Increasing the Band D Charge increase from 2.2 % in October to 4.9% which will be shown on the Council Tax Bill.


Parish Councils are not entitled to claim Small Employers Relief or entitled to any extra funding.


1. Resolve to agree the draft 2025/2026 Budget. 


     2. Resolve to agree the 2025/2026 Precept Setting of £43,558.


     3. Resolve to adopt the following policy for its annual review: - Colsterworth &    District Parish Council Finance and Administration (f&a) Committee TOR.


    4. Resolve to update the HSBC Bank Mandate.


    5. Resolve to adopt the draft Asset Register and Disposal Policy.


It was proposed, seconded and


Agenda items 2024.125.1 – 5 were unanimously agreed


   6. Resolve to dispose of the Parish Council desk top computer in line with the Asset Register and Disposal Policy.

It was proposed, seconded and


It was resolved for the Clerk to investigate organisations to donate the computer to a suitable charity.


   7. Resolve to accept the Internal Auditors Report.

It was proposed, seconded and


Deferred to the next meeting.


   8.Update on the Community Car Park.


Awaiting instructions from the Solicitors. Consider requesting return of the £100 retainer if no update received by January 2025. 

• Post meeting note – Email received 04.12.2024 advising that the Solicitor had been away from the office and would respond later in the week.


   9. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 25.11.2024


Received with no comment.



2024. 125.2 Planning Committee Report 


1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold.


2. A discussion took place on the closed Footpath 10 in relation to the proposed development off Bourne Road by Hereward Homes. Cllr C Vernon said they would investigate whether a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) or a Definitive Map Modification Order (DDMO) should have been applied for.


Group Reports

2024.126 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report. 


Resolve to comment on the National Highways proposals to close gaps in the central reservation along the A1 in Nottinghamshire, Lincolnshire and Rutland, between Blyth and Stamford. Deadline 14th December 2024. Deadline for comments 14th December 2024.

It was proposed, seconded and



Unanimously to comment that the Parish Council is supportive of the proposals and looks forward to the next steps of the safety of the A1.




Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update. Report circulated (S Grant – Clerk)


2. Update on the Lectern style information board. 


Minute Ref 2024.109.1&2. The content and photos put together by Cllr C Hainsworth has been sent to  Shelley designs to create the artwork for the Lectern.



Unanimously approved see Appendix A


2024.129 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.


Coronation Community Orchard Grant - Minute Ref 2024.64.1-3 - The Clerk confirmed they would order the fruits trees for January 2025. Cllr E ‘O’Neill kindly agreed to take delivery of the trees and assist in planting the trees with Cllrs M Childs and C Rowland. The Clerk to confirm with the grass cutting contractor the space required for the mower to pass through. 


Training courses attended - None

2024.130 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 4th February 2025. There being no other business, Chairperson C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 9.01pm.




CHAIRPERSON                                                         DATE:




Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January) 

Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent

J Clark* Resigned 03/10/2024 North Witham & Lobthorpe 2 3

D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 6 1

A Bouvie Colsterworth 6 1

E O’Neill Colsterworth 6 1

C Hainsworth Colsterworth 7

G Henton Colsterworth 4 3

L McShane Colsterworth 2 5

S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth

C Russell Colsterworth 7

K Vickers Colsterworth 5 2

M Childs Colsterworth 6 1

C Rowland Colsterworth 7

R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 5 2

Vacancy Gunby & Stainby







Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

04/12/2024 Stuart Whitcombe In Touch Editing November edition £85.00

04/12/2024 Staff 2 & 3 Community Cleaner £657.28

06/12/2024 Life In Pictures In Touch Printing (November Edition) £417.60

07/12/2024 Glasdon UK Ltd Bench to replace Jane's bench £917.14

08/12/2024 KWR Plant Hire Ltd Dismantle and removal of dangerous tree £600.00

09/12/2024 Dave Warden MCS Ground Care Village Maintenance £601.00


  Sub Total £3,278.02

Chq no

103954 Sue Grant Clerk Salary & Exp £1,427.70


  Sub Total £1,427.70


Grand total £4,705.72




26.11.2024 HSBC Bank charges £5.80

28.11.2024 Focus Office phone £31.87

05.11.2024 Sainsbury's Cling film for In Touch delivery & Xmas cards £10.75

06.11.2024 Post office 16 x 2nd class stamps - In Touch £13.60

22/11/2024 Asda 16 x 2nd class stamps - In Touch £13.60

22/11/2024 Asda Envelopes & paper £5.00


  Total £80.62




30/11/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £94,922.33 £1,427.70

30/11/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £79,746.62  

  Surplus/Deficit= £15,175.71 £372.10

  Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £4,705.72 £285.18

  Income/Expenditure £10,469.99 £657.28



30/11/2024 Deposit Account £60,728.80  

30/11/2024 Community Account £10,739.76

  Total £71,468.56


  Less unpresented payments £66,762.84