Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4th February 2025.
Public Forum
Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and acknowledged the three persons
present at the Public Forum.
The first member of the public spoke in support of their application to become a Parish Councillor for Colsterworth. Cllr Hainsworth thanked the applicant saying that the Co-option for Councillor was an agenda item later in the meeting and invited them to stay.
The second member of the Public spoke thanking the Parish Council for opposing planning application S24/0568 for the proposed Anaerobic Digester (AD) plant at Gunby which had been refused at the South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) Planning Committee meeting on 23rd January 2025. They acknowledged that official notification had yet to be received and thanked Cllrs C Hainsworth, SKDC Cllrs D Bellamy and B Green for speaking at the SKDC Planning Committee meeting.
They requested that the Parish Council consider forming a Collective with Buckminster and South Witham Parish Councils in anticipation that the applicant will appeal against the refusal decision and apply for a Rule 6 Status as an interested party allowing them to question the applicant. They explained that the Campaign Group did not expect the Parish Councils as a collective to take up the bulk of the work and the Campaign Group would do that. There should be no costs and would not be looking to the Parish Councils Collective if costs were incurred.
Cllr D Bellamy requested that the Rule 6 request is an agenda item for the next Parish Council meeting in March. Noted by the Clerk.
The third member of the public spoke informing the Cllrs that they had recently done a litter pick and noticed some fly tipping along Bourne Road roadside. Clerk to the Parish Council Sue Grant advised they would report the fly tipping to SKDC. Cllr C Hainsworth thanked the member of the public for their continued litter picking activity before moving on to the first agenda item. *Post meeting note: Issue reported as fly tipping to SKDC 5th February 2025.
Councillors: C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell, A Bouvie, R Chatterton, L McShane, M Childs, G Henton and T O’Regan who joined the meeting at 8.05pm.
In Attendance
Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.
SKDC Cllrs D Bellamy and B Green. Cllr B Green left the meeting at 8.10.pm
LCC Cllr C Vernon who left the meeting at 8.10pm.
Agenda Item No
2024.131 Apologies for absence none.
2024.132 Chairman’s remarks.
Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) on behalf of the Parish Council acknowledged the very sad loss of Cllr Ken Vickers and the Cllrs thoughts are with his family.
2024.133 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000
Cllr L McShane as an allotment holder for Agenda item 2024.137: Allotment rents.
Cllr C Hainsworth as the wife of an allotment holder for Agenda item 2024.137: Allotment rents.
2024.134 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting.
Cllrs G Henton, R Chatterton and L McShane abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting, all others present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th December 2024 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.
2024.135 County/District Councillor Report.
SKDC Cllr B Green Reported: -
1. SKDC had reviewed its fees and charges as part of their budget setting for 2025/2026 and proposed an increase on Council Tax of 3%. A £2 increase had been proposed on the 1st and 2nd Green Bin.
2. Progress with litter clearance on the A1 had come to a head with the safety improvement works planned. They reported that SKDC Street Scene services had agreed to work in conjunction with National Highways.
3. There had been recent press reports about Code of Conduct complaints. A SKDC Cllr had been found in breach of the code of conduct but remains in the post.
4. The Local Government Review will be looking at SKDC, Rutland and Peterborough. There will be a consultation in due course.
LCC Cllr C Vernon Reported: -
1. They were unsure if the County Council elections would go ahead in May 2025. The Mayoral Elections on 1st May 2025 will take place.
2. A1 Night Closure Traffic Issues: - They suggested people contact ‘LCC Lorry Watch’ with the name of the road, number plate, any identifying marks, date and time. Cllr L McShane accepted that work needs to be done but vehicles were travelling through the High Street, Colsterworth at excessive speeds.
3. It is important to register any electrical appliance or device with the manufacturer. If there was a re-call due to a fire risk you would not be notified if your device is not registered with the manufacturer.
4. Citizen of the Year – They encouraged the Parish Council to nominate someone.
SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Reported: -
1. The SKDC Local Plan Review housing allocation had been increased from 701 to 890 per annum.
2. The proposed development for five houses off Bourne Road, Colsterworth had been refused. A brief discussion took place between SKDC Cllr D Bellamy and E O’Neill regarding the footpath which crosses that land.
3. Cllr E O’Neill asked if they were aware of any future plans for the Skillington quarry. SKDC Cllr D Bellamy was not aware of any. It was also clarified that this would be a matter for LCC.
2024.136 Co-option for Parish Councillor for Colsterworth x 2.
It was proposed, seconded and
The Clerk confirmed that the applicants Tony O’Regan and Roy Brocklebank satisfied the criteria for Co-option, and they were Co-opted as Cllrs for Colsterworth.
At 8.05pm Tony O’Regan duly signed the Declaration of Acceptance form and joined the meeting.
Roy Brocklebank had sent their apologies for the meeting.
2024.137 Resolve to agree to keep the current allotment and field rents unchanged as recommended by the Clerk prior to their Annual Renewal in April 2025.
It was proposed, seconded and
Cllrs L McShane and C Hainsworth did not vote having declared an interest in the agenda item all others present unanimously agreed.
2024.138 Resolve to agree to keep the current In Touch advertising rates unchanged as recommended by the Clerk prior to their Annual Renewal in April 2025.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed.
2024.139 Flood Resilience: -
1. Resolve to discuss how to make our community more flood resilient. (Cllr L McShane)
It was proposed, seconded and
Cllr L McShane reported that they had attended the meeting About Flood Action Groups with Alicia Kearns MP on 4th October 2024. They suggested setting up a flood resilience group and inviting the emergency planning officer at Lincolnshire County Council to a Parish Council meeting.
The Clerk agreed to review the Parish Council Emergency Plan.
2. Resolve to buy 2 x storage bins at a cost of £210 each to store sand bags at strategic locations across the Parishes. (Cllr D Bellamy).
It was proposed, seconded and
A discussion took place following which Cllr D Bellamy proposed seconded by Cllr A Bouvie to purchase one storage bin to be sited at North Witham subject to LCC Highways permissions. Unanimously agreed.
2024.140 Resolve to approve the following play area maintenance quotations: -
1. To repaint the play equipment and apply weather treatment to the two wooden benches on Colster Way play area.
2. To repaint the play equipment and apply weather treatment to the wooden bench on the Woolsthorpe Play Area.
3. To apply weather treatment to the two wooden benches on Old Post Lane play area.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed to accept the quotation.
2024.141 Risk Exception Report.
Received with no comment.
2024.142 Clerks Report Action
1. Poor visibility for drivers exiting Water Lane to Old Post Lane obscured by vegetation. Reported to FMS Ref 2823495. Clerk
2. Fallen trees on Foot path’s 16 & 17 reported to LCC Rights of Way. Report ref’s 2825932 & 2825930 respectively. Clerk
3. Precept 2025/2026 Form completed and submitted to SKDC. Ref Agenda item 2024.125.2. Clerk
4. HSBC Bank Mandate updated Minute Ref December 2024. Clerk
5. The storm damage to the tree/bush on the footpath on Back Lane rear of the White Lion Public House reported to LCC Rights of Way. Report ref 2826020. Clerk
6. Fallen tree on the grass verge outside numbers 1-7 Ingle Court, Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth reported to LCC Rights of Way. Report ref 2826025. Clerk
7. The bench to replace Jane’s bench on the Wildflower meadow was installed by the volunteers on Tuesday 10th December. Thank you to the Rotary Club, a generous anonymous donation and the funds raised at the White Lion quiz night and book sale. Also, thank you to Dave Ostler for transporting the new bench to the Flower Meadow. Clerk
8. The bottom post of the handrail is loose at the foot of Jacobs Ladder leading to FP1. Reported to LCC Rights of Way Ref: 2827028 Clerk
9. LCC Parish Grass Cutting agreement Purchase Order received 20/12/2024 and Invoice raised for £6,172.30. Clerk
10. Fly Tipping Reported: -
1. Glass door on Gunby Road.
2. Black sacks on Skillington Road. Clerk
11. SKDC have advised that the Community Cleaning Grant will not be increased at this time. While there may have been initial discussions or intentions to increase the grant, this has not been implemented. Clerk
12. Defective streetlight number 82 on Woolsthorpe Road, Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth reported to SKDC who bare responsible for the streetlight. Clerk
13. Thank you to Cllr Chris Rowland for re-attaching the child’s swing at Colster Way Play Park following its repair under guarantee. Clerk/Cllr Rowland
14. Play Areas – Moss removed by the Clerk and areas treated with a domestic algae remover as recommended by the Wicksteed Leisure Inspection team. Clerk
15. Request from Nature Trail leader to purchase 4 pairs of heavy-duty gloves and 3 x pairs of secateurs out of remaining budget. Clerk
16. The defibrillator on the outside wall of the White Lion, High Street, Colsterworth was found to be defective on 28/01/2025. New battery required. Defibrillator reported out of service to Community Heartbeat and The Circuit, new battery ordered. Clerk
2024.143 Correspondence
1. Report of Bourne Road Royal Mail postal service not being delivered. Advised to contact the Royal Mail complaints department. Clerk
2. Email from Colsterworth Youth Centre advising that they are in the process of updating the lease with Little Legs and will update the Parish Council when this has been completed. Clerk
3. Thank you to the resident who cleaned the Parish Council notice board on Woolsthorpe Road, Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth. Clerk
4. On 23rd December a volunteer In Touch deliverer contacted the Clerk to advise they were no longer able to deliver their round. The Clerk will deliver the January edition and look to find another volunteer. Clerk
5. Resident reported several Fix My Street Reports (FMS)
1. Fallen tree and overgrown vegetation on Old Post Lane. Ref 2827876.
2. Number of shrubs growing east side of A151 fly over. Ref 2827864.
3. Sunken manhole. Stainby Road, 35 metres west of crossroads. 2827863. Clerk
6. Request from a resident for the Parish Council to consider making a regular donation to the SocietyWorks given the success of this use of FixMyStreet in having our parish potholes and other highway matters addressed by LCC Highways. Cllrs
7. Invitation received to take part in the National Highways & Transport (NHT) surveys for Councillors and Parish Councils. Cllrs
8. Report of cars parking on Woolsthorpe Road Play Area damaging the grassed surface. Request a no parking sign in installed. Advised to report such incidents to the Police. Cllrs
9. Annual Statement of Account received from Colsterworth Youth Club. Filed for the Parish Council records. Cllrs
2024.144 SKDC Planning Applications
S24/2011 Extension to existing farmyard area, including formation of perimeter bund and surfacing. Manor Farm, Church Street, North Witham, Lincolnshire, NG33 5LH. None
S24/2087 Garden structure - Pergola (Retrospective).35A High Street, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NE, None
S24/1487 Amended information. Construction of 5 No. dwellings (2 no. bungalows and 3 no. houses), removal of 1 no. tree, hedgerow and formation of associated car parking and landscaping Location: Land Off Bourne Road, Colsterworth. Amended plans. None
S24/1505 Conversion of an existing outbuilding to form one separate dwelling
Witham Cottage, 46 High Street, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NF. Change to red line. None
SKDC Planning Committee Meeting 09/01/2025 Comment
S24/0568 Development East Of Sewstern Industrial Estate South Of Sewstern Road, Gunby, Lincolnshire, NG33 5RD. Meeting deferred 08/01/2024 due to adverse weather conditions site visits could not be undertaken. Comment
S24/0568 Formal notification received that potential AD at Gunby planning application that will be reported to the Planning Committee on 23rd
January 2025. Comment
SKDC Planning Permission
S24/1672 Section 73 to vary conditions 2 (approved plans) in relation to planning permission reference S22/1805 - Proposed raised patio and attached rear timber pergola. Beech House 7A Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth Lincolnshire NG33 5NH
S24/1221 Proposed retention of existing stables, removal of existing, storage containers and erection of replacement hay barn. Land Off Woolsthorpe Road Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth
NG33 5NU
S24/1824 Proposed two-storey side extension and single storey rear extension, including internal alterations and replacement of porch roof. 8 Pasture Close Colsterworth, Lincolnshire NG33 5NA
S24/2004 Plan to install a new pocket electricity Substation which is less than 29 cubic meters, to support increased demand for electricity in the area. The existing substation will be removed once the work is complete. McDonald's Restaurant Great North Road, Colsterworth.
S24/1988 Submission of details reserved by condition 9 (noise validation) of planning permission S21/1906 in relation to plots 23 and 33 only - Reserved matters for appearance, layout, scale and access for the erection of 70 dwellings following Outline permission S18/2379
Centre Of Pond 80M From 68 Bourne Road 23M From A151, Bourne Rd, Colsterworth.
S24/2011 Extension to existing farmyard area, including formation of perimeter bund and surfacing. Manor Farm Church Street, North Witham Lincolnshire NG33 5LH
SKDC Planning Refusal
S24/0568 Development East Of Sewstern Industrial Estate South Of Sewstern Road, Gunby, Lincolnshire, NG33 5RD. AD Plant. Pending confirmation.
S24/1487 Construction of 5 No. dwellings (2 no. bungalows and 3 no. houses), removal of 1 no. tree, hedgerow and formation of associated car parking and landscaping. Land Off Bourne Road Colsterworth.
2024.145 Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee No Report This Month (Cllrs E O’Neill, A Bouvie & C Hainsworth)
1. Resolve to invite a volunteer to join the F&A Committee to keep a compliment of 4 members.
It was proposed, seconded and
Cllr E O’Neill (Chair of the F & A Committee) proposed to defer the agenda item until after the Parish Council Annual General Meeting.
2. Resolve to accept the Mid-Year Internal Audit Report.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed.
3. Resolve to adopt the following policies as recommended by the Internal Audit: -
1. Draft Scheme of Delegation.
2. Draft Highways and Footpaths TOR.
3. Draft Environment & Amenities TOR.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed to adopt Policies 1. 2. and 3.
4. Resolve to renew the following Policies at their annual renewal: -
1. CAD Media Policy
2. CAD Remote Meeting Policy
3. CAD Co-Option Policy
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed to renew Policies 1. 2. and 3.
5. Resolve to approve Asset Disposal Policy gifting/donating the old Parish Council Computer to the 1st Colsterworth Scout Group in line with the CAD Asset Register and Disposal Policy.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed.
6. Update on the Community Car Park.
It was proposed, seconded and
A discussion took place and it was agreed for the Clerk to make further investigations into the original transfer and purchase of the land.
Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 27.01.2025. Received no comment.
2024. 146 Planning Committee Report
1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold.
Group Reports
2024.147 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report.
1. Resolve to take part in the National Highways & Transport (NHT) surveys for Councillors and Parish Councils, the deadline is the end of February 2025.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed for the Clerk to complete the survey on behalf of the Parish Council.
Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.
War Memorial Restoration Project
1. Resolve to approve the final V2 proof design for the Lectern style information board.
It was proposed, seconded and
Unanimously agreed to approve V 3 circulated via the CADPC website on 4th February 2025 and at the meeting.
2. Update on the UKSPF Application to pay for temporary repairs to St Mary’s
Church roof, North Witham. (Cllr D Bellamy).
It was proposed, seconded and
No update.
3. Resolve to agree a date and volunteers to plant the fruit trees purchased from the SKDC Coronation Community Orchard Grant. (Cllr E O’Neill).
It was proposed, seconded and
Cllrs M Childs, C Rowland and E O’Neill agreed to nominate a date outside of the meeting.
Unanimously approved see Appendix A
2024.150 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.
1. Cllr M Childs reported the entrance to the Jubilee Pond on Woolsthorpe Road was damaged. The Clerk agreed to contact and inform the land owner.
2. Work had started to pump out the flood water on the A1 Slip Road.
3. Cllr R Chatterton reminded Cllrs of the SKDC planning application refusal of the proposed A.D. plant at Gunby suggesting the Parish Council consider the next steps.
Training courses attended – The Clerk is on a remote planning course on 10th February 2025. Cllr C Hainsworth reminded Cllrs to let the Clerk know if they wish to join the course.
2024.151 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 4th March 2025. There being no other business, Chairperson Cllr C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 9.30pm.
Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January)
Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent
J Clark* Resigned 03/10/2024 North Witham & Lobthorpe 2 3
D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 7 1
A Bouvie Colsterworth 7 1
E O’Neill Colsterworth 7 1
C Hainsworth Colsterworth 8
G Henton Colsterworth 5 3
L McShane Colsterworth 3 5
S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth
C Russell Colsterworth 8
K Vickers Colsterworth 5 2
M Childs Colsterworth 7 1
C Rowland Colsterworth 8
R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 6 2
Vacancy Gunby & Stainby