Draft Minutes

Draft Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 1st October 2024.

Public Forum

Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and acknowledged the five persons present at the Public Forum.

The first member of the public said they were there to speak in objection about the proposed building development of the paddock behind 22 Bourne Road, Colsterworth and would like it to remain as a green space. Cllr Hainsworth said this was an agenda item for later in the meeting at agenda item 2024.89.2 and a response had been drafted for Cllrs to consider.

A short discussion took place on the recent letters received by some residents from Hereward Homes and the timing of the SKDC planning notification signs.

SKDC Bellamy said that they had been updated by the Planning Case Officer who had visited the site on Thursday 26th September 2024 and displayed the Planning Notification Sign. Cllr Bellamy advised that the Planning Application had been called into a SKDC Full Planning Committee meeting.

The second member of the public to speak also spoke in objection to the same planning application listing but not limited to the following reasons: -

• They would be impacted by loss of privacy.

• The access road is not wide enough for vehicles to pass.

• The developer needs to provide a footpath because pedestrians will be sharing the access road with construction vehicles.

• The drive space from number 18 Bourne Road has been used as the highways entrance for vision splay for access.

• The drive of 18 Bourne Road will be obstructed.

• The refuse collection area for 20 refuse bins is too close to the boundary of 18 Bourne Road.

Cllr Bellamy said they would confirm with SKDC if the proposed site was ‘edge of settlement’ within the Neighbourhood Plan. They suggested the residents make a joint petition.

Cllr Hainsworth suggested that the persons at the public forum link to the Colsterworth Collective Action Group (CCAG).  

Cllr E O’Neill mentioned that more individual letters/objections to SKDC would carry more weight than one letter from the Parish Council.

Cllr K Vickers gave a positive example of attending a SKDC Planning meeting resulting in a proposed five-bedroom house which would have overlooked a property being changed to a bungalow.

The discussion continued with Cllr C Russell adding that they believed that the diversion of the existing footpath would require a Definitive Map Modification Order (DMMO).

Cllr C Hainsworth extended the Public Forum until 7.48pm to allow the members of the public to speak.


Councillors: C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, K Vickers, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell, A Bouvie, R Chatterton and M Childs. Cllr A Bouvie left the meeting at 8.45pm after agenda item 2024.89.2.

In Attendance   

Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SKDC Cllr D Bellamy.

Agenda Item No

2024.77 Apologies for absence. G Henton, J Clark and L McShane. Valid reasons given.

2024.78 Chairman’s remarks.


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) had no remarks but thanked everyone for attending on such a wet evening.


2024.79 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000


Cllr C Hainsworth declared an interest agenda item 2024.91 being a member of CFoR.


2024.80 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


Cllrs E O’Neill and A Bouvie abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting, all others present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 3rd September 2024 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.


2024.81 County/District Councillor Report.

SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Reported: -


1. The Lawful Development Certificate for the proposed North Witham Children’s Home did not pass. Work has been completed on the car park and they expect there will be another application submitted.

2. They had spoken to the residents on Honey Pot Lane to address their concerns on the S24/1425 planning application for the construction of two nearby dwellings.

3. They acknowledged the proposed development behind 18 & 22 Bourne Road, Colsterworth had already been discussed at the Public Forum.

4. The Anaerobic Digester Plant application for Sewstern would now be going to SKDC Planning Committee in December 2024.

5. The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) consultation had finished but they do not expect the numbers to change.


SKDC Cllr B Green sent their apologies.


LCC Cllr C Vernon was not present for the meeting.


2024.82 1. To resolve Parish Council Wreath Laying responsibility for Remembrance Day Sunday 10th November 2024.


It was proposed, seconded and


Cllr C Hainsworth proposed Cllr C Russell. Unanimously approved.



2. Resolve to purchase a Poppy Wreath from Royal British Legion (RBL) up to £20. (S.137 Expenditure)


It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved.


2024.83 Resolve to switch on the Christmas Lights at St John the Baptist Church at 6.30pm on Friday 6th December 2024.


Resolve to agree who should be invited to switch on the Christmas lights 6th December 2024.


It was proposed, seconded and


The Clerk suggested a local resident who gives their time to support the community. Unanimously approved. The Clerk to send an invitation to the resident.



2024.84 Risk Exception Report

2024.85 Clerks Report Action

1. Footpath 21 High Street to Old Post Lane has been cut back by LCC ROW. Clerk/LCCROW

2. Letter received from Lincolnshire Police with information relating to the safety and security of Locally Elected Officials. Clerk

3. Following the report of heavy vehicles using the bridge over the River Witham on Woolsthorpe Road, the Clerk contacted Historic England who advised to report this to East Midlands Building Consultancy (E.M.B.C.) The Clerk contacted E.M.B.C. on 16/09/2024 awaiting feedback. Clerk/SKDC

4. LCC Highways have taken back the maintenance of Hall Lane, Stainby due to the verges not being re-instated. LCC

5. Thank you to Peter Smith, Mari Dearden, Mo & Jackie Taylor for tidying up the War Memorial flower beds and cutting the grass following the completion of the War Memorial Restoration project. Clerk

6. Overgrown bush on Water Lane, Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth reported to Fix My Street (FMS) ref 2818555 & 2818557. Clerk

7. Overgrown hedge Old Post Lane close to the entrance of footpath 16 reported to FMS ref 2818556. Clerk

8. Uneven footpath around Ash Close, Colsterworth reported to FMS ref 2818559. Clerk

9. The Clerk attended a Play Areas inspection course on 12/09/2024. Clerk

10. Defibrillator pads replaced in all five Defibrillators at outside wall Little Legs, outside wall White Lion Pub, Woolsthorpe Road Kiosk, Social Club outside wall and North Witham Village Hall outside porch. Clerk

11. Play area checks: -

North Witham Village Hall – Baby cradle seat swing damage. Removed by Cllr J Clark. The Clerk arranging a replacement seat.

Bolt on basket swing tightened by Cllr J Clark

Old Post Lane Play Area – 2 bolts from climbing rope missing. Cllr C Rowland volunteered to replace the bolts supplied by the Clerk.

Colster Way Play Area – Baby cradle seat rubber damage. Reported to Wicksteed Leisure to claim under guarantee. Clerk/Cllrs

12. The Parish Council have applied for 1 tonne grit/salt from LCC Highways which a local farmer has agreed to store covered and dry. Clerk/LCC

13. The Parish Councils Data Protection Registration Certificate was renewed on 01/10/2024 and uploaded to the PC’s website. Clerk

2024.86 Correspondence

1. Request to attend the War Memorial Restoration official opening ceremony. Clerk/Chairperson/CFoR – Agreed. Invitation sent.

2. Letter from Lincoln Diocesan Trust advising that they will be undertaking a Roadside Tree Survey across the Glebe estate to check the safety of all trees bordering roads and public rights of way commencing 9th September 2024. Clerk

3. Report of excessive dog barking and music noise. Advised to report the issue to SKDC Environmental Health under noise pollution. SKDC

4. 1 x 1 tonne salt bag requested from LCC kindly stored for the Parish Council by a local resident. Clerk

5. Report of gaps in the footpath on Ash Close and surrounding areas. Reported to Highways via Fix my Street by the Clerk. Clerk/FMS

6. Report of overgrown public footpath behind Ingle Court. LCC ROW have work scheduled. LCCROW

7. Green habitats pledge as SKDC signs biodiversity agreement. SKDC

8. Invitation received from CCAG to attend the start of their next meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood plan and the 20% uplift to fulfill the new Governments amended housing requirements on Tuesday 12th November at 7pm. Clerk to thank CCAG and confirm time date and venue.

9. Email received by the Chair Cllr C Hainsworth from a resident who was unhappy and felt personally compromised with the wording in the October In Touch magazine article on the War Memorial re-opening ceremony on 1st November 2024 at 3.30pm. This was due to a misunderstanding and the Parish Council very much regrets the impact this had on the resident which was never its intention. Chair & Clerk

2024.87 SKDC Planning Applications

S24/1425 Construction of 2 dwellings and demolition of agricultural buildings

 Twyford Farm, Honeypot Lane, Colsterworth, None

S24/1487 Construction of 5 No. dwellings (2 no. bungalows and 3 no. houses), 

removal of 1 no. tree, hedgerow and formation of associated car parking and landscaping, Land Off Bourne Road, Colsterworth, , See Agenda item 2024.89.2

S24/1498 Application for removal/variation of condition 2 (approved plans) of planning permission S24/1000 (Proposed single storey rear extension, partial garage conversion and porch). 37 Woolsthorpe Road, Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5N. None

S24/0568 Notification of information in relation to Environmental Statement

 Proposal:  Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and carbon capture, improvement of existing and part creation of new access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.  Development East Of Sewstern. See agenda item 2024.89.3

S24/1221 Proposed retention of existing stables, removal of existing storage 

containers and erection of replacement hay barn.  Land Off Woolsthorpe Road, Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth, NG33 5NU, None

S24/1606 Installation of two rapid electric vehicle charging stations and ancillary 

equipment within the car park. McDonald’s Restaurant, Great North Road, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5FF None

SKDC Planning Permission

S24/1126 Ground and first floor extension to existing dwelling. York House,26 Bourne Road 

Colsterworth Lincolnshire NG33 5JE

S24/1072 T8 - Tree ref 086L - Pinus Sylestris - Essential Tree works to Crown Lift to a maximum of 3m. Location: St Mary’s Church, Church Street, North Witham Lincolnshire NG33 5LH

S24/1250 Proposed two storey extension to the side and single storey extension to the side/rear of existing dwelling. 4 Northerns Close North Witham, Lincolnshire NG33 5JY. 

SKDC Planning Refusal

S24/1318 Application for a certificate of lawful development for a 

proposed use of property as a C2 residential care home for 

one child/young person, supported by 2(no.) non-resident carers at all times. 

SECOND SCHEDULE Location: Grange Farm, South Witham Road, North Witham 

Decision/Date 13th September 2024.

S24/1231 Proposed erection of new garage. 1 Woodlands Drive Colsterworth, Lincolnshire NG33 5NH  

LCC Planning


2024.88 Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee Report (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie & J Clark) Report 26/09/2024. Circulated.


Cllr E O’Neill, (F&A Chair) gave a verbal explanation of the increased 2025/2026 expenditure budget giving employee costs and grass cutting being the main increases. With an increase on the previous year’s budget of 1.82%


1. Resolve to agree the draft 2025/2026 Budget.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved.


2. Resolve to agree the 2025/2026 Precept Setting subject to receipt of the SKDC Precept Calculator for 2025/2026.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved the Precept amount of £42,429.



It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved.


The following policies were adopted and uploaded to the CADPC Website: -


1. CAD Email Policy

2. CAD Training Policy


The following policies were reviewed and approved for their annual review and updated on the CADPC website.

3. CAD Financial Reserves Policy

4. CAD Grant Allocation Policy

5. CAD Grant Allocation Policy

6. CAD Employment Policy

7. CAD Equal Opportunities Policy

8. CAD Nature Trail Constitution Policy

9. CAD Volunteer Policy

10. CAD Publications Scheme (Updated with current Policies)

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved.



The following policies to be reviewed at the November 2024 meeting.

11. CAD Risk Management 

12. CAD Scheme of Delegation

13. CAD Complaints Policy

14. CAD Planning Committee Protocol

15. CAD Data Protection Policy

16. CAD Data Breach Policy

17. CAD Data Retention Policy

18. CAD Subject Access Request Policy

19. CAD Risk Management Policy

20. CAD BCP Policy – not due for review until July 2025.



      13. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 23/09/2024

2024.89 Planning Committee Report 


1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold


Invitation received from Colsterworth Community Action Group (CCAG) for a member of the Parish Council to attend the start of their next meeting to discuss the Neighbourhood plan and the 20% uplift to fulfill the new Governments amended housing requirements on Tuesday 12th November at 7pm. 


• The Clerk to acknowledge the invitation and confirm a Cllr attendance at the November meeting.


2. Resolve to comment on Planning Application S24/1487 Construction of 5 No. dwellings (2 no. bungalows and 3 no. houses), removal of 1 no. tree, hedgerow and formation of associated car parking and landscaping.  Land Off Bourne Road, Colsterworth, 

It was proposed, seconded and


Discussed and unanimously approved with agreed amendments.



3. Resolve to comment on Planning Application S24/0568. Notification of information in relation to Environmental Statement.

 Proposal:  Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and carbon capture, improvement of existing and part creation of new access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure. Location: Development East Of Sewstern Road, Gunby, Lincolnshire, NG33 5RD


It was proposed, seconded and


Discussed and unanimously approved with agreed amendments.



Group Reports

2024.90 1 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report. 


No Report this month.


Cllr E O’Neill commented that the Vehicle Activated Signs were working well.




Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update. Report circulated (S Grant – Clerk)

The Clerk gave a brief update on the completion of the War Memorial Restoration and the FCC Communities Grant reclaim process now that the final invoice had been received.



2. Resolve for the Parish Council as Licensee to accept the compliance and conditions set by Lincolnshire County Council for the consent for the installing of a community asset, a Lectern Style Information Board on the War Memorial Gardens, High Street, Colsterworth.

It was proposed, seconded and


Proposed by Cllr K Vickers, Seconded by Cllr C Russell and Unanimously approved.


3. Subject to approval of agenda item 2024.91.2 resolve to use the SK 2200 Grant received of up to £1,700 to purchase a Lectern Frame interpretation panel from the 2 options below: -

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously approved to use the SK220 Grant of up to £1,700. The options below deferred to the November meeting.


Option 1 (Company 1) at a cost of £975 excl VAT to the Parish Council at the request                     from CFoR to be installed on the War Memorial gardens. 


Option 2 (Company 2) - at a cost of £1,430 excl VAT to the Parish Council at the request from CFoR to be installed on the War Memorial gardens.


4. Resolve to use the SK 2200 Grant received of up to £1,700 to purchase a Commemorative Interpretation Panel detailing the history and restoration of the War Memorial at a cost of £685 excl VAT including delivery. To be sited on the external wall of the brick bus shelter on the High Street adjacent to the War Memorial.

The agenda item fell.


5. Resolve to arrange both allotment site inspections.

Cllrs C Rowland and C Russell volunteered to accompany the Clerk on the inspections. Date to be arranged.


2024.92 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT September 2024

Unanimously approved see Appendix A


2024.93 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.


1. Cllr C Rowland reported the recently re-surfaced A151 flyover had loose chippings on the footpath and the tarmac on the road was damaged. *Two Fix my Street (FMS) Reports made ref 2819558 & 2819562 respectively.

2. Cllr E O’Neill reported that the drain on Steels Lane /High Street was blocked. * FMS Report ref 2819560. Several other drains in that locality have already been reported.

3. Cllr M Childs reported that the A1 north slip road from Woolsthorpe by Colsterworth was flooded again. * FMS Report made ref 2819563

4. The Clerk will contact Cllr C Vernon regarding Highways issues.

5. Cllr C Russell commented that they were pleased with the new LED streetlights that had been installed on Newton Way and Woolsthorpe Road.


*  Post meeting notes.


Training courses attended


The Clerk attended a full Play Area Training Course on 12/09/2024. Feedback shared with Cllrs on annual inspections, visual and operational checks. The Parish Council is complying with its legal responsibilities.


2024.94 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 5th November 2024. There being no other business, Chairperson C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 9.14pm.




CHAIRPERSON                                                         DATE:




Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January) 

Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent

J Clark North Witham & Lobthorpe 2 3

D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 4 1

A Bouvie Colsterworth 4 1

E O’Neill Colsterworth 4 1

C Hainsworth Colsterworth 5

G Henton Colsterworth 3 2

L McShane Colsterworth 2 3

S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth

C Russell Colsterworth 5

K Vickers Colsterworth 5

M Childs Colsterworth 5

C Rowland Colsterworth 5

R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 4 1

Vacancy Gunby & Stainby






Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

02/10/2024 Stuart Whitcombe In Touch Editing September edition £85.00

02/10/2024 Staff 2 & 3 Community Cleaner £657.08

05/10/2024 Life In Pictures In Touch Printing (Sept Edition) £417.60

06/10/2024 Diocese of Lincoln (LDTBF) Allotment rent Stamford Road £200.00

07/10/2024 Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) Play Areas Training Course (The Clerk) £87.00

08/10/2024 HMRC PAYE August 2024 £457.90

09/10/2024 HMRC PAYE August 2024 £457.90

10/10/2024 HMRC PAYE August 2024 £458.10

11/10/2024 Community Heartbeat 4 x Defibrillator Pads £218.34

11/10/2024 Colsterworth Trust Estate Allotment Rent Woolsthorpe Road £10.00

11/10/2024 Colsterworth Trust Estate Allotment Rent, Embankment Wood £10.00

12/09/2024 Dave Warden (MCS Ground Care) LCC Grass cut & Village Maint £884.00

13/09/2024 Dave Warden (MCS Ground Care) LCC Grass cut & Village Maint £669.00


  Sub Total £4,611.92

Chq no  

103949 Sue Grant Clerk Salary & Exp £1,168.14

103950 Pinnacle Conservation Ltd 3rd & Final Invoice £11,584.66


  Sub Total £12,752.80


Grand Total £17,364.72


26/09/2024 HSBC Bank charges £6.32

27/09/2024 Focus Office phone £36.55

17/09/2024 WAVE Stamford Rd Allotment water bill £89.09

17/09/2024 WAVE Woolsthorpe Road Allotment water bill £67.83

04/09/2024 Asda 10 x pens £1.50

08/09/2024 Salim Enterprises 10 x ladies heavy duty gloves (NT) £56.90

26/09/2024 Asda Stamps 24 x 2nd class (For In Touch & Chq 103950) £20.40

26/09/2024 Argos Parish Council Lap Top £349.00


  Total £627.59


02/10/2024 CAD Current Account Funds required for final War Memorial Payment to Pinnacle Conservation £15,000.00




30/09/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £36,059.31

30/09/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £54,744.76

  Surplus/Deficit= -£18,685.45

  Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £17,364.72

  Income/Expenditure -£36,050.17



30/09/2024 Deposit Account £31,603.53

30/09/2024 Community Account £6,003.87

  Total £37,607.40


  Less unpresented Payments & chq's + unpresented receipts £20,242.68