
Agenda Item No

2024.77 Apologies for absence.

2024.78 Chairman’s remarks.

2024.79 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000

2024.80 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 

2024.81 County/District Councillor Report.

2024.82 1. To resolve Parish Council Wreath Laying responsibility for Remembrance Day Sunday 10th November 2024.


2. Resolve to purchase a Poppy Wreath from Royal British Legion (RBL) up to £20. (S.137 Expenditure)

2024.83 1. Resolve to switch on the Christmas Lights at St John the Baptist Church at 6.30pm on Friday 6th December 2024.


2. Resolve to agree who should be invited to switch on the Christmas lights 6th December 2024.

2024.84 Risk Exception Report

2024.85 Clerks Report

2024.86 Correspondence Received

2024.87 Planning Applications

2024.88 Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee Report (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie & J Clark) Report 26/09/2024. To be Circulated.


1. Resolve to agree the draft 2025/2026 Budget.


2. Resolve to agree the 2025/2026 Precept Setting subject to receipt of the SKDC Precept Calculator for 2025/2026.



Resolve to adopt the following policies for their annual review.

3. CAD Risk Management 

4. CAD Scheme of Delegation

5. CAD Complaints Policy

6. CAD Planning Committee Protocol

7. CAD BCP Policy

8. CAD Data Protection Policy

9. CAD Data Breach Policy

10. CAD Data Retention Policy

11. CAD Subject Access Request Policy

12. CAD Risk Management Policy



      13. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 23/09/2024

 2024.89 Planning Committee Report 

1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold


2. Resolve to comment on Planning Application S24/1487 Construction of 5 No. dwellings (2 no. bungalows and 3 no. houses), removal of 1 no. tree, hedgerow and formation of associated car parking and landscaping.  Land Off Bourne Road, Colsterworth, 


3. Resolve to comment on Planning Application S24/0568. Notification of information in relation to Environmental Statement.

 Proposal:  Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and carbon capture, improvement of existing and part creation of new access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure. Location: Development East Of Sewstern Road, Gunby, Lincolnshire, NG33 5RD


Group Reports

2024.90 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (Ad hoc) 



2024.91 Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update. Report circulated (S Grant – Clerk)



2. Resolve for the Parish Council as Licensee to accept the compliance and conditions set by Lincolnshire County Council for the consent for the installing of a community asset, a Lectern Style Information Board on the War Memorial Gardens, High Street, Colsterworth.


3. Subject to approval of agenda item 2024.85.2 resolve to use the SK 2200 Grant received of up to £1,700 to purchase a Lectern Frame interpretation panel from the 2 options below: -


Option 1 (Company 1) at a cost of £975 excl VAT to the Parish Council at the request                     from CFoR to be installed on the War Memorial gardens. 


Option 2 (Company 2) - at a cost of £1,430 excl VAT to the Parish Council at the request from CFoR to be installed on the War Memorial gardens.


4. Resolve to use the SK 2200 Grant received of up to £1,700 to purchase a Commemorative Interpretation Panel detailing the history and restoration of the War Memorial at a cost of £685 excl VAT including delivery. To be sited on the external wall of the brick bus shelter on the High Street adjacent to the War Memorial.


5. Resolve to arrange both allotment site inspections.

2024.92 Accounts for payment September 2024.  Please contact the Clerk for details.

2024.93 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.

2024.94 Date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 5th November 2024.