Draft Minutes

Draft Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4th June 2024.


Public Forum


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and invited the one member of the public present to speak.


As a resident of Gunby they thanked all the Cllrs and the Clerk for the quality and quantity of the Parish Councils response to the Planning Application S24/0568. Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility.


Cllr R Chatterton followed on by saying as a new Cllr they had seen how hard the Cllrs and Clerk work in the background for all the villages in Colsterworth and District.


Councillors: C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie, G Henton, K Vickers, M Childs, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell, L McShane and R Chatterton. 


In Attendance   


Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SKDC Cllrs D Bellamy and B Green who both left the meeting at 8.45pm



Agenda Item No

2024.24 Apologies for absence. Cllr J Clark, valid reasons given.

2024.25 Chairman’s remarks.


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) reminded everyone there was to be a General Election on 4th July 2024.


2024.26 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000




2024.27 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


Cllr L McShane abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting. All other members present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 7th May 2024 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.


2024.31 County/District Councillor Report. Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) brought the agenda item forward.


SKDC Cllr B Green Reported: -

1. St Mary’s Church North Witham - Their communications with the Diocese of Lincoln identified that there exists a St. Mary’s Trust Fund of around £6,000. Insurance is in place for the Church but expires in September 2024. They will arrange a meeting to try and constitute a Parochial Council.

2. Kerb side Battery Collection – SKDC are hoping for this to start in September 2024.

3. SKDC Hardship Fund – SKDC are urging people to shop in Grantham to support the local businesses during the refurbishment of the Market Place.


SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Report: - Cllr D Bellamy held their comments for agenda item 2024.36.2,3 & 4.

2024.28 Stamford Road Allotments:


1. Resolve to approve the quotation received to strim down and spray vacant allotment 11a at Stamford Road allotments.

It was proposed, seconded and


Agreed by a majority with one Cllr against to strim the plot at a cost of £60 and allocate up to a further £200 to spray the plot with herbicide or cover it with a membrane.


2. Resolve to approve the quotation replace and attach the second tap to the standpipe.

It was proposed, seconded and


Proposed by Cllr K Vickers and seconded by Cllr L McShane to have the second tap replaced at a cost of £65.


2024.29 Resolve to apply to the SKDC Coronation Community Orchards Scheme for up to £1,500 to plant a mini-orchard subject to the funding criteria and endorsement by SKDC Cllr D Bellamy or Ben Green. Closing dates of 28th July and 27th September 2024. (Cllr E O’Neill)

It was proposed, seconded and



Agenda item deferred to the September 2024 meeting

2024.30 Risk Exception Report

2024.32 Clerks Report Action

1. Letter sent to the resident on the outcome of agenda item May 2024.12 Report of increased rabbit population on the Nature Trail. Clerk

2. Update from SKDC on the silver paper and card recycling bin which have proved an issue for some so for a limited period, to help residents, SKDC will leave a helpful yellow tag/sticker on the bin where people have mistakenly placed items which aren’t accepted. Clerk

3. LCC ROW have inspected Colsterworth Public Footpath No 19 and found the surface to be acceptable. Clerk


4. Minutes from Colsterworth and District Youth Group AGM received and filed for the PC’s records. Clerk

5. The Nature Trail Risk Assessment was carried out on 20/05/2024 with the Lead Ranger and volunteers. Clerk

6. The battery for the defibrillator on the outside wall of the Little Legs and the White Lion has been replaced and is again live with the ambulance service. Clerk

7. Notification received from LCC Parish Agreement scheme following their review of the Parish Grass cutting agreement. The result of which is an uplift to the agreed rate. The rate for 2024-25 will now be £0.058 per square meter for three cuts based on a total area of 35473m2. An increase from £3,724.67 to £6,172.30. Total increase of £2,447.63. Clerk


The Clerk met with Mo Taylor and Kev Russell of KWR Saturday 11th May, Kev Russell generously agreed to carry out the work to fell 4 trees at no cost to the Parish Council with a full Risk Assessment. 


Bridge End Steps.

Planned repair for 22/05/2024 cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. Work completed 3rd June 2024 by the volunteers. Clerk

9. Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability posted on CADPC website and notice boards 01/06/2024. Clerk

10. Large overhanging branch from tree on Woodlands Drive reported to FMS. Work is scheduled. Clerk

2024.33 Correspondence

1. Colsterworth & District Youth Group AGM Minutes April 2024 received and filed for the Parish Council records. Clerk

2. Email received 12/05/2024 regarding general observations and requests on Stamford Road allotments. 

1. The second tap turned on. Quotation is being sourced.

2. The vacant plots strimmed down as weeds and grass getting high and going to seed. Quotation is being sourced.

3. The grass cut/ strimmed, especially adjacent to the boundary hedge and plot 1. The grass was cut on 13/05/2024.

Email received 03/05/2024 asking when the work will be completed and that some other plots are not as tidy and cared for as in their opinion they should be. See the resolution to agenda item 2024.28. The Clerk will contact the tenants of those allotments that are in need of attention. Clerk

3. The Grass cutting contractor reported lots of dog waste on back lane which was very unpleasant when cutting the grass verge. Clerk

4. FMS Reports by a resident on potholes on the B676 west of B6403 junction and SE Corner of roundabout A151. Work scheduled. Clerk

5. South Kesteven Economic Development Strategy 2024 – 2028 Consultation. South Kesteven District Council - Consultations (oc2.uk) Cllrs

6. Report that police cones have appeared outside of Little Legs Nursery.  Request that the Parish Council look to keep the car park as a community asset. Cllrs/Clerk

7. Report from the Grass Cutting Contractor of an incident on Church Street, North Witham on 29/05/2024.  The Clerk advised the contractor to report the incident to the Police and the Chairperson Cllr Hainsworth was informed. Clerk/Chair

8. Report that the footpath at the rear of North Witham Village Hall has been planted with crops which will obstruct the footpath. Reported to LCC ROW ref 2178298. Clerk/LCC ROW

9. Complaint received from a resident regarding the grass cutting around the war memorial. They do not believe the grass is cut often enough to keep the area tidy and the blowers used by the contractor merely blow the cut grass into the flower beds and over the memorial itself, where they remain. 


They appreciate it is a contractor issue but could the contractor use a box to collect the mowed grass around the memorial area only and help maintain what is an important area for the village, in a respectful condition.


The contractor kindly agreed to collect the cuttings on 5th June 2024 for the D-Day Anniversary. Extra cuts will be in line with agreed additional village area cuts and the contractor’s availability. Number of grass cuts to be reviewed for the 2025/2026 budget setting. Volunteers are welcome to cut the grass on the memorial gardens. Clerk/Cllrs

2024.34 SKDC Planning


S24/0568 Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility. Gunby, NG33 5RD. Received by Royal Mail 9th May 2024 but dated 02/05/2024. Objection

S24/0743 Proposed drop kerb to serve existing parking area.  37 High Street, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NE, App Type: Full Planning Permission Support

S24/0810 Discharge of Cond(s) Listed Building. Proposal: Submission of details reserved by condition 3 of planning permission S21/1796.

Location: Street Record, High Street, Colsterworth Lincolnshire None

S24/0881 TPO Works..To prune T4 (Horse chestnut), T5 (Beech), T7 (Beech) and to crown lift T9 (Yew) to 3.5m. - To fell T15 (Sycamore) and to consider felling T13 (Yew) and T14 (Holly). Location: The Rectory, 13A Back Lane, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NJ None


S24/0464 Cornerstone Proposal: Proposed upgrade to the existing telecommunications installation. Location: Mobile Mast Ref 8803 Great North Road South Witham.

S24/0545 Proposal: Submission of details required by condition 3 (materials) of S23/1664 - Replace roof tiles, restore pebble dash to chimney stacks, upgrade roof insulation. Old Rectory 14 High Street, Colsterworth

S24/0786 Proposed Electricity Substation (resubmission of S24/0510).  STREET RECORD Access Road To Services, Colsterworth.

S24/0810 Submission of details reserved by condition 3 (materials) of planning permission S21/1796. Street Record High Street, Colsterworth.

SKDC Planning Refusal

S24/0510 Proposed Electricity Substation. Location: STREET RECORD Access Road To Services, Colsterworth.

S24/0558 2 storey extension to the side of an existing dwelling. York House 26 Bourne Road


2024.35 Finance and Administration (F & A)


1. To Receive and approve the F&A Committee Report from the meeting 23/05/2024 (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie & J Clark).


It was proposed, seconded and


Agreed unanimously to accept the recommendations from the F&A Committee Meeting.


Bowls Club land and Little Legs Car Park: It was also agreed for the Clerk to investigate the process and costs associated with claiming Adverse Possession of both areas as a community asset to be discussed at the next Parish Council meeting.


2. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 24/05/2024 – Received with no comments.


2024.36 Planning Committee Report 

1. Neighbourhood Plan Review update. On hold.


2. Resolve to comment on SKDC Planning Application S24/0568. Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and carbon capture, improvement of existing and part creation of new access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.


It was proposed, seconded and



A discussion took place, and it was unanimously agreed to submit the document prepared by Cllr C Hainsworth with input from Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie, K Vickers, D Bellamy and C Chatterton with minor amendments. 

Post meeting Note: PC Response submitted on 05/06/2024.


3. Resolve to comment on SKDC Planning Application S24/0544. For the redevelopment and updating of an existing wastewater treatment facility and the installation of an anaerobic digestion plant with capacity to produce 5mw of renewable energy.

It was proposed, seconded and


Cllr C Hainsworth advised that the PC did not need to comment on this application as it was SKDC's response to LCC's consultation on the Easton ADP which raised no objections but asked that LCC consider the cumulative impact with the ongoing development for the approved cold store and approved processing facility (S24/0057 approved by SKDC 17 May 2024).


4. Resolve to comment on LCC/PL/0022/24. For the redevelopment and updating of an existing wastewater treatment facility and the installation of an anaerobic digestion plant with capacity to produce 5mw of renewable energy.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously Agreed. Post meeting note. Response submitted 05/06/2024.

Group Reports

2024.37 1 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report. 


Report received by Cllrs no comments.


Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS) update. On 30/05/2024 Graeme Butler from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership apologised for the delay in the installation of the posts for the 3 x VAS. He advised that he hoped that the posts would be installed by the end of June.


Cllr C Hainsworth agreed to represent the Colsterworth and District Highways issues to Cllr C Vernon.


2024.38 2



2 Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.


War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update (S Grant – Clerk) Circulated and uploaded to the CADPC Website. No comments received.


Post meeting note: - The Architect and Conservation Builders plan to start work on the Memorial on Monday 10th June 2024.


2. Post Restoration Plan to be agreed.

Cllr E O’Neill requested the CFoR Plaque suggestion is included as a standing agenda item going forward.


A short discussion was held with ideas to be considered for the standing agenda item.



Unanimously approved see Appendix A


Post meeting amendment. The following payment was cancelled due to the invoice being received in error.

*09/06/2024 - David Warden (MCS Ground Care S/S) - LCC & Village grass cut - £642.00

2024.40 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights. 




2024.41 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 2nd July 2024. There being no other business, Chairperson C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 8.55pm.




CHAIRPERSON                                                         DATE:




Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January) 

Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent

J Clark North Witham & Lobthorpe 1 1

D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 2

A Bouvie Colsterworth 2

E O’Neill Colsterworth 2

C Hainsworth Colsterworth 2

G Henton Colsterworth 2

L McShane Colsterworth 1 1

S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth

C Russell Colsterworth 2

K Vickers Colsterworth 2

M Childs Colsterworth 2

C Rowland Colsterworth 2

R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 2

Vacancy Gunby & Stainby







Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

05/06/2024 Stuart Whitcombe InTouch Editing November edition £85.00

05/06/2024 Staff 2 & 3 Community Cleaning £657.08

07/06/2024 Life In Pictures In Touch Printing £417.60

07/06/2024 Community Heartbeat Defibrillator battery replacement £357.00

08/06/2024 Parish Online Parish Mapping Tool £163.20

*09/06/2024 David Warden (MCS Ground Care S/S) LCC & Village grass cut £642.00

10/06/2024 David Warden (MCS Ground Care S/S) LCC & Village grass cut £729.00



Chq no

103942 Staff 1 salary Salary & Exp £1,369.87

103943 David J Warden LCC & Village grass cut £1,326.00






26/05/2024 HSBC Bank charges £6.28

30/05/2024 Focus Office phone £42.48




07/05/2024 CAD Current Account Funds not yet required for payments £15,000.00





31/05/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £27,006.26

31/05/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £6,424.40


31/05/2024 Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £6,026.75

31/05/2024 Plus unpresented receipts £0.00




31/05/2024 Deposit Account £51,248.37

31/05/2024 Community Account £25,906.34

  Total £77,154.71


  Less unpresented Payments & chq's + unpresented receipts £71,127.96