

There is a meeting of the Parish Council at the Methodist Church Hall, Back Lane, Colsterworth, commencing at 7.30pm, on Tuesday 4th June 2024. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. Supporting information can be found at 


Members of the Public and the Press are welcome. There will be a Public Forum commencing at 7.30pm for 10 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council.


Agenda Item No

2024.23 Apologies for absence.


2024.24 Chairman’s remarks.


2024.25 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000


2024.26 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


2024.27 Stamford Road Allotments:


1. Resolve to approve the quotation received to strim down and spray vacant allotment 11a at Stamford Road allotments.


2. Resolve to approve the quotation replace and attach the second tap to the standpipe.


2024.28 Resolve to apply to the SKDC Coronation Community Orchards Scheme for up to £1,500 to plant a mini-orchard subject to the funding criteria and endorsement by SKDC Cllr D Bellamy or Ben Green. Closing dates of 28th July and 27th September 2024. (Cllr E O’Neill)


2024.29 County/District Councillor Report.

2024.30 Risk Exception Report

2024.31 Clerks Report

2024.32 Correspondence Received

2024.33 Planning Applications

2024.34 Finance and Administration (F & A)


1. To Receive and approve the F&A Committee Report from the meeting 23/05/2024 (Cllrs C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, A Bouvie & J Clark). 


2. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 24/05/2024

 2024.35 Planning Committee Report 

1. Neighbourhood Plan Review update.


2. Resolve to comment on SKDC Planning Application S24/0568. Erection of an anaerobic digestion (AD) facility and carbon capture, improvement of existing and part creation of new access track, landscaping and other associated infrastructure.


3. Resolve to comment on SKDC Planning Application S24/0544. For the redevelopment and updating of an existing wastewater treatment facility and the installation of an anaerobic digestion plant with capacity to produce 5mw of renewable energy.


4. Resolve to comment on LCC/PL/0022/24. For the redevelopment and updating of an existing wastewater treatment facility and the installation of an anaerobic digestion plant with capacity to produce 5mw of renewable energy.


Group Reports

2024.36 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (Ad hoc)  


2024.37 Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update (S Grant – Clerk) 


2. Resolve to agree to investigate the costings to install a Plaque to mark the War Memorial Restoration Project on the outside wall of the brick bus shelter adjacent to the War memorial. 

2024.38 Accounts for payment May 2024.  Please contact the Clerk for details.

2024.39 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.

2024.40 Date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 2nd July 2024.



Date Posted 28th May 2024  Email:  Tel: 01476 861888 Website: