

Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 3rd September 2024.


Public Forum


There were no persons present at the Public Forum.


Councillors: C Hainsworth, K Vickers, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell, R Chatterton and M Childs who arrived at 7.45pm.


In Attendance   


Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SKDC Cllrs B Green and D Bellamy who both arrived at 7.43pm.


Agenda Item No

2024.59 Apologies for absence. Cllrs E O’Neill, A Bouvie, G Henton, J Clark and L McShane. Valid reasons given.

2024.60 Chairman’s remarks.


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone back after the summer break.


2024.61 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000


Cllr C Hainsworth declared an interest agenda item 2024.73 being a member of CFoR.


2024.62 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


Cllrs R Chatterton and D Bellamy abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting, Cllr C Russell abstained because they had not read the previous minutes. Cllr M Childs was not present for the agenda item and all others present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 2nd July 2024 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.


2024.63 County/District Councillor Report. 

SKDC Cllr B Green Reported: -

1. They were delighted to say that the kerb side battery collection is set to operate from Monday 16th September, householders will provide their own see-through bag on top of any regular bin day, whether it’s recycling or black bin week.

2. Update on St Mary’s Church, North Witham – They recently held an uplifting meeting with a good level of interest showing there is a strong willing community to support the Church. They suggested that the Parish Council make an application to the SKUK Prosperity Fund for funds for a temporary roof. The Clerk agreed to investigate this.


SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Reported: -

1. A Planning Application for a children’s home at North Witham is expected to be received.

2. Another Planning Application for 2 dwellings on Twyford Farm, Honey Pot Lane had been received that day reference SK1425.

3. A planning Application for the land rear of 14 – 22 Bourne Road, Colsterworth is expected to be received.

4. The SKDC Local Plan Review is ongoing, and the new government have set a target of building 1.5 million dwellings during this parliament or the next five years. To facilitate this, they are currently consulting local planning authorities (SKDC) on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). Part of this consultation has required most but not all councils to be allocated new build targets and SKDCs target has risen from 690 units to 912 per annum which is about 20% increase. The downside of this is that the local plan review consultation on the new allocations would not fulfill this new target. So should these new targets and NPPF changes be adopted by the government this will require SKDC to consult on further allocations to make up the 20% shortfall. The original call for sites which the proposed allocations came from did bring forward enough land to make up the difference, but these extra sites would have to go out to consultation. This would also require the local plan review timetable to be extended for which it is anticipated the government would make allowances.

5. The proposed Anerobic Digester Plant application in Gunby will be going to the Planning Committee in October 2024.


2024.64 (Cllr E O’Neill.)

1. Resolve to make an application for £1,500 to the SKDC - Coronation Community Orchards Grant scheme with an endorsement by a SKDC Cllr to plant a minimum of 5 fruit trees on a publicly accessible site with protective spirals and canes, information signage, protective fencing and volunteers as required. 

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed and to be referred to the F&A Committee to consider aftercare maintenance and ongoing costs in the 2025/2026 budget.


2. Resolve to plant the fruit trees on an area of the Colster Way Playing field.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed to use the corner area adjacent to the Bowls Club fence and the Bowls Club footpath entrance from Rope Walk, ensuring that the footpath entrance is kept clear.

3. Resolve for a minimum of two Cllrs to volunteer to assist with the planting of the fruit trees.

It was proposed, seconded and


Cllrs C Rowland and M Childs volunteered to assist with the planting of the fruit trees.


2024.65 Resolve for the Parish Council to make up the shortfall of up to £84.28 to purchase a bench to replace the one known as ‘Jane’s’ bench on the Nature Trail at a cost of £764.28 excl VAT. £680 has to date been raised made up from a £300 anonymous donation, £130 raised from the Quiz night and the £250 Rotary Club Grant received in 2023.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.

2024.66 Risk Exception Report

2024.67 Clerks Report Action

1. Damaged Colster Way street nameplate junction Bourne Road reported to SKDC who are responsible. Clerk

2. Colsterworth Festival of Remembrance secure a Grant of £1,329.25 from Balfour Beatty Grant towards the War Memorial Restoration Contractors Contingency work of £3,266.35. Clerk/CFoR

3. Chestnut Grove street name plate reported to SKDC for repair or replacement. Clerk

4. A series of potholes along Woolsthorpe Road close to the bridge over the river Witham reported to FMS. Ref: 2812344 Clerk

5. At the request of the Bowls Club Committee a meeting was held with the Parish Council to try and establish the owner of the Community Car Park on Colster Way. A friendly discussion took place, but ownership was not established. Investigations ongoing. Clerk

6. The post for the Vehicle Activated signs ne on Bourne Road, Colsterworth and two on the B676 at Stainby were installed by LCC Highways. Clerk

7. Temporary Road Closure application submitted to LCC Highways for the Remembrance Sunday Parade 10/11/2024. Clerk

8. Environment Agency River Vegetation Management – Reducing flood risk information can be found on the CADPC website https://colsterworth.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/992/environment-agency-river-vegetation-management-fact-sheet-july-2024 

Clerk/Environment agency

9. Environment Agency Grass Cutting – reducing flooding information can be found on the CADPC website https://colsterworth.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/downloads/file/991/environment-agency-grass-cutting-reducing-flood-risk 

Clerk/Environment Agency

10. **Amendment to the May Minutes agenda item 2024.6.1. Election of Lead Councillors for the Finance & Administration Committee. Cllrs C Hainsworth, A Bouvie, E O’Neill and J Clark. Cllr C Russell was not elected. Clerk

11. The Parish Council have been successful in applying for a South Kesteven UK Shared Prosperity Fund Grant of £1,700 towards a public information board about the history, restoration and providing information on other relevant heritage assets in the Parish. Clerk/Cllr Hainsworth

12. A huge thank you to Kevin and Kate Russell for generously felling the trees identified in the Tree Survey on the Nature Trail to be felled and several other dead and over hanging trees on Friday 2nd August 2024. Thank you also to the Nature Trail volunteers who helped keep the area safe whilst Kevin was working with his large machinery. KWR/Clerk/Mo Taylor/Nature Trail Vols

13. On Friday 2nd August 2024 two vehicle Activated speed signs were installed at Stainby (B676) and one on Bourne Road, Colsterworth. A huge investment by the Parish Council and thank you to Graeme Butler from LCC, Cllr Chris Rowland , volunteer Steve Grant who joined the Clerk in assisting in installing the equipment to the posts. LCC/Clerk/Cllr C Rowland/ volunteer S Grant.

14. Footpaths: -

1. Footpath 20 from Spring Lane to School Lane reported as overgrown to LCC ROW to be cut back. Report Ref: 2217624. Work completed.

2. Footpath 7 from Chestnut Grove to China Moon reported as overgrown to LCCROW Ref: 2217922. Work completed. Good feedback received and passed to LCC ROW.

3. Footpath 21 from High Street opposite the War Memorial to Old Post Lane reported to LCC ROW as overgrown with vegetation. Report Ref: 2234924. Given Priority 2 and will be resolved by LCC ROW by 27/09/2024.

4. Footpath 21 reported to LCC ROW 03/06/2024 has now been re-instated.

5. Footpath 16/17 & 18 Cut by the Parish Council Contractor MCS Ground care Services. Good feedback received. Clerk/LCC ROW

15. 11/08/2024 Report of Fly Tipping reported to SKDC Steet scene by the Clerk: -

1. Bottom of Bull Lane, North Witham

2. Gunby Road, Stainby. Clerk

16. SKDC Street Scene now comes under SKDC Grounds maintenance. Any areas needing attention such as weeds and street cleaning can be reported to SKDC Customer Services customerservices@southkesteven.gov.uk or telephone 01476 406080.


17. The Clerk identified a discrepancy on the Parish Council Telephone bill. The service provider had charged for a service not requested from February to August 2024 and gave a full refund of an amount of £75.52 on 30/008.2024. Clerk

2024.68 Correspondence

1. Report of a blocked drain issue on the High Street Drain. Anglian Water attended. A monitor will be installed at alert Anglian Water in the future. Clerk

2. National Highways LED Upgrade on the A1 for between 8pm and 6am, from 8 July 2024 for approximately 6 weeks, Monday to Friday.


3. Report of fly tipping at the drying area at the back of the flats on the High Street, Colsterworth. Strewn with discarded items, a discarded inflatable hot tub, patio furniture and numerous black bags and empty beer bottles. Reported to SKDC Housing by the Clerk. Clerk

4. Report of overgrown footpaths & play area reports: -

Ingle Passage - It is scheduled to be cut again by the Parish Council Contractor. The Clerk did cut back an area at the end of June.

Spring Lane - Reported the area from Spring Lane to School Lane to LCC Rights of Way as it is their footpath and they have work planned. 

Spring Lane Footpath 16/17/18 River Witham, School Lane to Woolsthorpe Road adjacent to the river – This is scheduled to be cut by the Parish Council contractor around this time.

Footpath 7/8 Chestnut Grove to China Moon – Work is scheduled by LCC ROW to cut this back. Work completed 19/07/2024 and good feedback received from a resident passed onto LCC ROW.

Woolsthorpe Play Area Roundabout – Report that it was not working. The Clerk investigated and found it was working.

Old Post Lane Play Area gates not self-closing – This is something the Clerk is looking into. Clerk/LCC ROW

5. Resident asking if the owners of the car park off Colster Way would entertain some sort of crowd funding from Little Legs’ parents and others to get it properly repaired. Clerk

6. Report that the 30mph sign's at Stainby coming from Colsterworth is covered by foliage and the other across the road has been turned 90 degrees. FMS Report made by the Clerk Ref: 2812393. Cllrs

7. Stamford Road Allotments: -

1. Report of untidy plot. Now strimmed and tidied by the allotment holder at no expense to the Parish Council.

2. Report of harvest damage suspected to be by rats on Stamford Road allotments. Allotment holders contacted.

3. Report that vehicles are parking on the access track other than for loading/unloading. Allotment holders have access rights along the track but no waiting rights. Clerk

8. Email received 25/07/2024 from the Architect overseeing the War Memorial Restoration work that the restoration work should be completed in two weeks. Clerk

9. Report of ‘Giant Hogweed’ plant withing the A1 Truck Stop compound. Truck Stop manager informed. Clerk

10. Nature Trail West End incidents:- 

1) A sword was found ‘hidden’ beneath a black puffa jacket in the land through the gate to the fields just to the right of the entrance to the nature reserve on Saturday 3rd August. It was reported and taken into the Police. 

2) Overnights Monday 5th – Tuesday 6th August report of someone parking outside nature reserve gate and camping in the reserve. Investigated by the Nature Trail ranger and persons advised wild camping was not allowed.


3) Missed black bin collection at the West End cul-de-sac of Woolsthorpe road. Reported it in the correct manner to SKDC who failed to collect within their 3 day window promise. The Clerk advised SKDC Cllr Ben Green. Clerk/Mo Taylor/Cllrs

11. 09/08/2024 telephone call received reporting thistles blowing across from the sheep field adjacent to Woolsthorpe Manor to neighbouring gardens. Woolsthorpe Manor confirmed the field was scheduled to be cut on 13th August.2024. Work completed 13/08/2024. Clerk

12. Report made to Cllr Hainsworth (Chair) and the Clerk of Pidgeon’s and Doves being shot and left to suffer. Advised to contact the Police and RSPB. Clerk/Chair

13. Report of brambles and weeds overhanging Hall Lane and Water Lane in Stainby. The Clerk met with the person reporting this issue and the Parish Council grass cutting contractors on 19/08/2024. Overhanging brambles cut back, contractors scheduled to work in the area a week later. LCC BSC Highways contacted for a review of the area due to the damaged grass verges. Overgrown Public Footpath GunS/2/2 reported to LCC ROW. Clerk

14. Report of increasingly large farm vehicles and the dropping of straw along Woolsthorpe Road. The resident suggested the vehicles could use the B676 instead for access to and from the A1. Clerk

15. An anonymous donation of £300 was received towards the replacement bench known as Jane’s bench on the Nature Trail. Clerk

16. Thank you to Jackie Taylor who donated two hanging basket arms to be fixed to the bus shelter adjacent to the War Memorial. Clerk

17. Request from the Nature Trail Ranger to purchase 10 x Ladies and Men’s heavy duty safety gloves and 10 x saw blades. Clerk

18. Report that the hedge between the track on Stanford Road allotments and the adjoining property is overgrown with Ivy and the hedge is unstable. Clerk

19. Report that the grass left for wilding on the Belvoir Close roundabout will be cut by a resident. Clerk.

20. Report of a caravan obstructing some of the footpath on Bourne Road Estate causing the carer supporting someone in a large electric vehicle to go on the road to get round the caravan. Shortly afterwards a small child collided on their bike with the tow bar end of the caravan. Advised to report the incident to the Police as the Parish Council have no powers for such an incident. Clerk.

21. Letter received reporting of overhanging trees from a neighbouring garden blocking light into their property requesting the Parish Council take some action. The resident to be written to advising that the Parish Council have no powers to deal with this request. Clerk

22. Report of the large number of large agricultural tractors and trailers using Woolsthorpe Road. They were particularly concerned at a wide vehicle passing over the bridge (Grade 11Listed) over the River Witham with only inches to spare either side. Suggested the Parish draw this to the attention of Historic England. The Police and Highways are responsible for enforcement, the issue is to be referred to LCC Cllr C Vernon as part of the Highways Issues. Clerk/LCC Cllr C Vernon

2024.69 SKDC Planning

Notification of South Kesteven Local Development Scheme update. 

This Email is to provide an update to the local development scheme following the recent consultation on the Draft Local Plan Review (2021-2041) which took place between February and April 2024. 

The local development scheme sets out the broad timetable for preparing the Councils Local Plan in addition to other planning documents. It is updated when required and the latest document was approved by cabinet in June 2024.


S24/1072 T8 - Tree ref 086L - Pinus Sylestris - Essential Tree works to Crown Lift to a maximum of 3m. St Mary’s Church , Church Street, North Witham, Lincolnshire, NG33 5LH None

S24/1126 Ground and first floor extension to existing dwelling. York House, 26 Bourne Road, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5JE. None 

S24/1231 Proposal: Proposed erection of new Garage.

Location: 1 Woodlands Drive, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NH, None

S24/1250 Proposed two storey extension to the side and single storey extension to the side/rear of existing dwelling.  4 Northerns Close, North Witham, Lincolnshire, NG33 5JY, None

S24/1244 Proposed erection of 2no. Commercial (Use Class B8) units.Land At Honey Pot Lane, Colsterworth. None

S24/0662 Conversion of outbuilding to studio and reinstate ground floor window to 

dwelling. Change further window from single glazed to slimlite double 

glazed. 2 Water Lane, Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5PD, None



Proposal: Section 211 notice to fell the dead trees as follows:

1) 1x Norway Spruce 2) 3x Corsican Pine. 3) 1x Larch tree 4) 4x 

Scotch Pine 5) 1x Ash tree. Woolsthorpe Manor, 23 Newton Way, Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5NR

S24/0881 To prune T4 (Horse chestnut), T5 (Beech), T7 (Beech) and to crown lift T9 (Yew) to 3.5m.

- To fell T15 (Sycamore) and to consider felling T13 (Yew) and T14 (Holly). The Rectory 13A Back Lane, Colsterworth Lincolnshire NG33 5NJ.

S24/0884 Submission of details reserved by condition 3 (Construction Environment Management Plan) of planning permission. S23/1960 - Erection of 2no Portal Frame Structures

Location: Witham Specialist Vehicles Honey Pot Lane, Colsterworth.


S23/0238 Submission of details in relation to condition 10 of S21/1906 - 

safety sign details Location: Centre Of Pond 80M From 68 Bourne Road 23M From A151 

Bourne Road, Colsterworth.

S24/0743 Proposed drop kerb to serve existing parking area.

Location: 37 High Street Colsterworth, Lincolnshire NG33 5NE.

S24/0999 Erection of vehicular access gates along with pedestrian access 

gate at the front of the property (retrospective). Windward 5 Reads Lane

Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth Lincolnshire NG33 5NS

S24/1000 Proposed single storey rear extension, partial garage conversion and porch. 37 Woolsthorpe Road Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth, Lincolnshire NG33 5NT

S24/1049 New dormers, rooflight, chimney, porch and changes to the roof and elevations.

Location: 8A Back Lane Colsterworth, Lincolnshire NG33 5NJ.

LCC Planning



Minerals and Waste Local Plan which will guide the future provision of minerals and the management of waste in Lincolnshire up to 2041. 


The consultation starts on Tuesday 30 July 2024 and finishes at 5pm on Tuesday 24 September 2024.

2024.70 Finance and Administration (F & A)- No meeting this month.


1. Resolve to accept the PKF Littlejohn LLP Accountants Annual Governance & 

Accountability Return (A.G.A.R.) Conclusion for year ended 31st March 2024. 

AGAR Sections 1, 2 & 3.


2. Resolve to publish the AGAR Notice of Conclusion of Audit from 5th September

2024 to 31st October 2024.


3. Resolve to re-appoint LALC as the internal auditor.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed agenda items 2024.70.1, 2 & 3.


4. Resolve to ear mark £3,000 from the reserve general fund to engage the Parish Council’s Solicitors to make an application for Adverse Possession of the unregistered land known as the Community car park off Colster Way in the name of Colsterworth and District Parish Council.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


5. Resolve to agree the date of the F&A Meeting.

The Clerk to consult with the F&A Committee to agree a date.


It was proposed, seconded and




6. Resolve to agree for the Clerk to purchase a Laptop to replace the current Parish Council desk top computer at a cost of £350 excl VAT, plus £150 set up costs from the Office Equipment Upgrade reserve budget of £500.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


7. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 21/08/2024 circulated. Received with no comments.


2024.71 Planning Committee Report 


1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold


Group Reports

2024.72 1 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report. 


1. Report Circulated




Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project


1. War Memorial Project update. Report circulated (S Grant – Clerk) 


            2. Resolve to investigate LCC Highways permissions and costs for a request for 

an alternative lectern style Commemorative board sited on the War Memorial 

gardens.  Including revised content, artwork and additional quotes already 

obtained and approval from SKDC that this will meet the terms of the SK2200

grant already secured. 

It was proposed, seconded and


Agreed by a majority with Cllr K Vickers against.


           3. Resolve to postpone the agreed proposal (minute July 2024.55.3) until the 

October meeting to fix an information board on the bus shelter adjacent to the 

Memorial, which has permissions and funding in place due to the SK2200 grant 

of £1,700. 

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


          4. Resolve to use the Parish Council agreed artwork for the Interpretation panel on the Bus shelter. 

 It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


          5. Resolve to hold a joint invitation only official opening ceremony of the War 

Memorial Restoration with Colsterworth Festival of Remembrance at the War 

Memorial followed by refreshments at St John The Baptist Church where the 

Restoration and Remembrance exhibition will be on display. Date and time TBC.  

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.



Unanimously approved see Appendix A


2024.75 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights. 

Cllr D Bellamy Reported defective streetlight No3 at Stainby to Streetlighting at SKDC.


2024.76 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 1st October 2024. There being no other business, Chairperson C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 9pm.




CHAIRPERSON                                                         DATE:




Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January) 

Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent

J Clark North Witham & Lobthorpe 2 2

D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 3 1

A Bouvie Colsterworth 3 1

E O’Neill Colsterworth 3 1

C Hainsworth Colsterworth 4

G Henton Colsterworth 3 1

L McShane Colsterworth 2 2

S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth

C Russell Colsterworth 4

K Vickers Colsterworth 4

M Childs Colsterworth 4

C Rowland Colsterworth 4

R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 3 1

Vacancy Gunby & Stainby






Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

03/08/2024 Stuart Whitcombe InTouch Editing November edition £85.00

03/08/2024 Staff 2 & 3 Community Cleaning £657.28

03/08/2024 Stuart Park Strimming Plot 11a S/R Allotments £60.00

03/08/2024 Stuart Park Replacing pipework and tap at S/R allotment. £65.50

10/08/2024 Life In Pictures In Touch Printing £417.60

09/07/2024 Pert & Malim Solicitors Payment on acc Minute Ref: July 2024 52.3 £100.00


Chq no

103945 Staff 1 salary Salary & Exp £1,196.64






26/07/2024 HSBC Bank charges £7.00

26/07/2024 Focus Office phone £49.13

04/07/2024 Asda Envelopes £2.85

04/07/2024 Asda Postage stamps. £20.40






Reconciled Total

25/07/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £30,818.68 £1,136.64

25/07/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £17,996.07  

  Surplus/Deficit= £12,822.61 £372.10

25/07/2024 Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £2,582.02 £285.18

25/07/2024 Plus unpresented receipts £657.28

  Surplus/Deficit= £10,240.59  



25/07/2024 Deposit Account £51,435.37

25/07/2024 Community Account £17,680.09

  Total £69,115.46


  Less unpresented Payments & chq's + unpresented receipts £66,533.44



Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

08/08/2024 Dave Warden (MCS Ground Care S/S) LCC & Village grass cutting/maintenance £884.00

09/08/2024 Dave Warden (MCS Ground Care S/S) LCC & Village grass cutting/maintenance £813.00


Chq no

103946 Pinnacle Conservation Ltd War Memorial Restoration Works Completed - Architects Interim Certificate SNUM/02732 £10,560.55






26/07/2024 HSBC Bank charges £7.00

26/07/2024 Focus Office phone £49.13

26/07/2024 Asda 24 x 1st Class Stamps purchased in error & returned for 24 2nd class stamps on 01/08/2024 refund of £12 £32.40

25/07/2024 Asda Paper & envelops £4.50

29/07/2024 Paintingqueen (Ebay) Post it arrows £3.99

30/07/2024 Discounted Cleaning Supplies Dog waste bags £18.99

31/07/2024 McAfee PC Security McAfee £109.99








05/08/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £32,222.43

05/08/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £20,226.49

  Surplus/Deficit= £11,995.94

  Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £12,257.55

  Income/Expenditure -£261.61



04/08/2024 Deposit Account £51,435.37

05/08/2024 Community Account £16,853.42

  Total £68,288.79


  Less unpresented Payments & chq's + unpresented receipts £56,031.24




Date of pmnt Payee Name Details Amount

04/09/2024 Stuart Whitcombe In Touch Editing September edition £85.00

04/09/2024 Kevin Atter Community Cleaner £657.28

05/09/2024 Lincs County Council Installation 3 x Posts CSW (VAS) £600.00

06/09/2024 Community Hearbeat Trust Replacement defibrillator pad (C/W Village Hall) £59.94

07/09/2024 Life In Pictures In Touch Printing (Sept Edition) £417.60

08/09/2024 PKF Littlejohn LLP External Audit £378.00

09/09/2024 Colsterworth Methodist Church Room Hire 7 hrs @ £10 per hr £70.00

09/08/2024 Colsterworth Methodist Church Room hire 60 hrs @ £10 per hr £60.00

10/08/2024 Dave Warden MCS Ground Care S/S LCC & Village Grass cut £442.00

11/08/2024 Dave Warden MCS Ground Care S/S LCC & Village Grass cut £644.00



Chq no

103947 Sue Grant Clerk Salary & Exp £1,136.64

103948 Pinnacle Conservation Ltd War Memorial Restoration Project Val 002 £16,606.17






26/08/2024 HSBC Bank charges £6.20

28/08/2024 Focus Office phone £45.71

08/08/2024 Post Office Signed for 2nd - WM Payment £2.55

10/08/2024 One Retail Group Fist Aid Kit - Nature Trail £28.99

16/08/2024 B&Q 2 x Hanging Basket Brackets £12.00




04/09/2024 CAD Current Account Funds required for 2nd War Memorial Payment £20,000.00




31/08/2024 Income from 01/04/2024 £33,035.44

31/08/2024 Expenditure from 01/04/2024 £32,997.09

  Surplus/Deficit= £38.35

  Less Unpresented payments excl DD's £21,156.63

  Income/Expenditure -£21,118.28 Transfers from Savings acc to Current acc of £15K & £20 k not included as income



04/08/2024 Deposit Account £51,435.37

31/08/2024 Community Account £4,895.83

  Total £56,331.20


  Less unpresented Payments & chq's + unpresented receipts £35,174.57