
There is a meeting of the Parish Council at the Methodist Church Hall, Back Lane, Colsterworth, commencing at 7.30pm, on Tuesday 3rd September 2024. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed in the agenda. Supporting information can be found at P C Meeting 3rd September 2024 – Colsterworth and District Parish Council (


Members of the Public and the Press are welcome. There will be a Public Forum commencing at 7.30pm for 10 minutes when members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Parish Council.

Agenda Item No

2024.59 Apologies for absence.


2024.60 Chairman’s remarks.


2024.61 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000


2024.62 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


2024.63 County/District Councillor Report.

2024.64 (Cllr E O’Neill.)

1. Resolve to make an application for £1,500 to the SKDC - Coronation Community Orchards Grant scheme with an endorsement by a SKDC Cllr to plant a minimum of 5 fruit trees on a publicly accessible site with protective spirals and canes, information signage, protective fencing and volunteers as required. 


2. Resolve to plant the fruit trees on an area of the Colster Way Playing field.


3. Resolve for a minimum of two Cllrs to volunteer to assist with the planting of the fruit trees.


2024.65 Resolve for the Parish Council to make up the shortfall of up to £84.28 to purchase a bench to replace the one known as ‘Jane’s’ bench on the Nature Trail at a cost of £764.28 excl VAT. £680 has to date been raised made up from a £300 anonymous donation, £130 raised from the Quiz night and the £250 Rotary Club Grant received in 2023.


2024.66 Risk Exception Report

2024.67 Clerks Report

2024.68 Correspondence Received

2024.69 Planning Applications

2024.70 Finance and Administration (F & A)- No meeting this month.


1. Resolve to accept the PKF Littlejohn LLP Accountants Annual Governance & 

Accountability Return (A.G.A.R.) Conclusion for year ended 31st March 2024. 

AGAR Sections 1, 2 & 3.

2. Resolve to publish the AGAR Notice of Conclusion of Audit from 5th September

2024 to 31st October 2024.

3. Resolve to re-appoint LALC as the internal auditor.

4. Resolve to ear mark £3,000 from the reserve general fund to engage the Parish Council’s Solicitors to make an application for Adverse Possession of the unregistered land known as the Community car park off Colster Way in the name of Colsterworth and District Parish Council.

5. Resolve to agree the date of the F&A Meeting.


6. Resolve to agree for the Clerk to purchase a Laptop to replace the current Parish Council desk top computer at a cost of £350 excl VAT, plus £150 set up costs from the Office Equipment Upgrade reserve budget of £500.


7. Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 21/08/2024 circulated.

 2024.71 Planning Committee Report 

1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold

Group Reports

2024.72 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (Ad hoc) 


1. Report circulated.

2024.73 Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project

1. War Memorial Project update. Report circulated (S Grant – Clerk)


2. Resolve to investigate LCC Highways permissions and costs for a request for an alternative lectern style Commemorative board sited on the War Memorial gardens.  Including revised content, artwork and additional quotes already obtained and approval from SKDC that this will meet the terms of the SK2200 grant already secured.



3. Resolve to postpone the agreed proposal (minute July 2024.55.3) until the October meeting to fix an information board on the bus shelter adjacent to the Memorial, which has permissions and funding in place due to the SK2200 grant of £1,700.


4. Resolve to use the Parish Council agreed artwork for the Interpretation panel on the Bus shelter.



Resolve to hold a joint invitation only official opening ceremony of the War Memorial Restoration with Colsterworth Festival of Remembrance at the War Memorial followed by refreshments at St John The Baptist Church where the Restoration and Remembrance exhibition will be on display. Date and time TBC.


2024.74 Accounts for payment July & August 2024.  Please contact the Clerk for details.

2024.75 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.

2024.76 Date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 1st October 2024.




Date Posted 27/08/2024   Email:  Tel: 01476 861888 Website: