Draft Minutes


Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting

Tuesday 23rd April 2024 - 7.30 pm Colsterworth Methodist Church Hall



1. Introduction and welcome 


Caroline Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone present to the meeting.


2. To Approve the Minutes of meeting held Thursday 23rd May 2023            


Welcome everyone who has kindly taken the time to attend this Annual Parish Meeting tonight which is an opportunity for myself as Chair of the Parish Council and Sue Grant the Parish Clerk and Responsible Financial Officer to report on the work of the Parish Council in the previous year and outline our priorities for 2024/2025.


The Annual Parish meeting is also intended for Colsterworth and District residents to raise any issues they have for the Parish Council to consider.


The APM is also an opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge those people in the community who give so much of their time to benefit the community and I am pleased to welcome our speakers tonight.


Before I move on to my report, I would just like to acknowledge the passing of former Cllr Derek Cox who served many years on the Parish Council and many of those years as Chairman. 




First, I want to say a special thank you to Sue who has supported all Councillors and Parishioners to ensure that the Council carries out its duties within the resources provided by the annual precept and other incomes.  For 2023/2024 we have again received a favourable internal and external audit report providing assurances to our Parishioners of a properly and efficiently run Council.


I must also thank Kevin and Mark our Community Cleaners who continue to provide a first-class service.


We currently have only one vacancy on the Parish Council for Colsterworth and it is a tribute to those Councillors - who are all volunteers - who give their time freely - to support and represent the interests of the whole Parish including Colsterworth, Woolsthorpe, North Witham, Lobthorpe, Stainby and Gunby.


I must also mention our District Councillors, David Bellamy and Ben Green who continue to provide this Parish with support and advice and our County Councillor Charlotte Vernon.


And on behalf of the Parish Council I would like to acknowledge all the time, effort, enthusiasm and stamina of all the volunteers who invest in this community including: -

• Litter pickers

• Nature Trail volunteers

• “In Touch” volunteers delivering to every household in the Parish and our In Touch Editor, Stuart Whitcombe

• Community Speed watch volunteers

• Volunteers of the PTFA supporting our Primary School who we granted £500 towards the permanent storage they required.


Having looked back on last year’s report, I can report on some headline achievements in addition to the “routine” Parish Council business:


• The War Memorial Restoration Project joint venture with Colsterworth Festival of Remembrance (CFoR).  The Parish Council secured a grant of just under £30,000 with CFoR raising and donating just over £4,400. 

• Reinstated Community Speed watch 

• Purchase of three further Vehicle Activated Signs: two for Stainby and one for Bourne Road, Colsterworth

• Improved “In Touch” community communication with colour version

• The Parish Council was also successful in securing grants from SKDC for:

o £1,200 for a Tree Condition Survey on the Nature Trail 

o £1,124.49 for the King’s Coronation

• After listening to requests from allotment holders, dogs are now allowed on the allotments (subject to T&Cs) 

• North Witham play area surface required repair by Wicksteed under their guarantee – this was secured after they first claimed it did not meet their guaranteed criteria.

• Almost £5,000.00 spent on Colsterworth Way play area repairs


For this coming year, although the Parish Council is not the Planning Authority, there will be some challenges particularly with developments in the Parish - however, looking forward the Parish Councill continues to identify our priorities including: -


• Successful restoration of the War Memorial

• Formal review of traffic issues (particularly on the High Street, Colsterworth) with the support of our County Councillor Charlotte Vernon

• Review of the Neighbourhood Plan

• Extension of the Old Post Lane Cemetery


I’ll hand over to Sue now for the financial report ….



2. Clerk’s Financial Report


The SCRIBE Accounting Parish Council software package continues to provide the Parish Council with a robust transparent accounting system with reports extracted from SCRIBE.


Bank accounts are reconciled and approved monthly. 

• The Finance and Administration Committee meet twice yearly. 

• October includes Budget Setting which was agreed and recommended to full Council. 

• April for End of Year accounts and external audit.

Internal Audit is undertaken twice yearly by an independent auditor. 

• Councillor Hainsworth continues to have view only access to the Parish Council bank accounts.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2022/2023


• The Annual Governance and Accountability Report dated 25/07/2023 for 2022/2023 had no findings.


Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2023/2024 is due by 30/06/2024.

Internal Auditor is scheduled to complete the Internal Auditors Report on Friday 26th April 2024.


The Statement of Accounts were handed out to the persons present and are uploaded on to the website.

Bank Balances at 31/03/24.

• Community Account £10,135.28

• Community Savings Account £50,616.34

• Total £ 60,751.62

• Less unpresented payments at 31/03/2024 of £4,926.82 

• Add unpresented receipts at 31/03/2023 of £468.05

• = Total of £56,292.85


Receipts for 2023/2024 = £62,495.01 Excl VAT

Payments for 2023/2024 = £68,299.90 Excl VAT

Leaving a deficit of £5,804.89 taking into account unpresented payments and receipts at 31/03/2023.


Increase on payments for 2023/2024 due to the following: -

Accumulative budgeted payments £53,999.90 actual payments £68,299.90. Difference mainly due to: -


• £6,450.00 payment for 3 x Vehicle Activated signs.

• £3,588.40 Third Party Contribution for the War Memorial FCC Grant

• £500.00 Grant to Friends of Colsterworth C of E School towards a shed.

• Minimum wage increase from for 2023/2024 and the Clerks NALC salary increment October 2023 backdated to 01/04/2023 


Increase on receipts for 2023/2024 due to the following.

1. Accumulative budgeted receipts of £53,999.90 actual receipts £62,495.01. Receipts difference mainly due to: -


Transfer from General/Savings account of £2,062.84 & £5,677.16 (Ear Marked Reserves)=  £7,740  net amount £6,450.00) (To purchase 3 x  vehicle activated signs)

Also, Grant Income Received of: -


• £3,000.00 from Colsterworth Festival of Remembrance (CFoR) contribution to the FCC Third Party Contribution.

• £1,200.00 from SKDC Prosperity Fund for tree assessment on the Nature Trail £5,324.49.  

• £1,124.49 from SKDC Community Coronation Fund.

Policies for Updating


CAD are regularly reviewed and recommended to full Council for adoption. All Policies and be found on the Council website on the following link https://colsterworth.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/council-business.  


5. Colsterworth Festival of Remembrance update by David Heath-French.


Caroline Hainsworth CFoR Treasurer spoke in place of David Heath-French who was unable to attend the meeting. They thanked Jackie Taylor a core member of CFoR for organising several fundraising events for the restoration of the War memorial. They acknowledges the generous donations made by local residents, the Frederick Ingle Charity, The Truck Stop and that the local Co-op had nominated CFoR as the ‘Good Cause’ for 2024. The CFoR Statements of Accounts were circulated. A possible event was planned following completion of the Restoration of the War memorial. As well as the annual Remembrance Service. 


6. Nature Trail update by Mo Taylor


Mo Taylor the Nature Trail Lead Ranger gave a summary of the work of the volunteers over the previous twelve months. The volunteers continue work to promote diversity of plants and thinning out of the scrub and Ash trees which has allowed existing plants to thrive. The Nature Trail continues its links with the Woodland Trust and their tree planting projects.


Volunteer numbers are regularly between 15 and 20 each week which the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust say is one of the largest volunteer groups they are aware of.


The Nature Trail volunteers also help out with the Butterfly Conservation Team twice a year and litter picking over the A151 Flyover organised by local resident Graham Keily. Collecting bottles and bags filled with unpleasant substances. 


A tree Assessment Survey has been carried out thanks to a Grant from the SKDC Prosperity Fund which has identified those trees which need felling.


Recently a rabbit infestation problem has been reported at the West End of the Nature Trail close to the Flower Meadow which will be looked into how this can be managed.


Dog waste continues to be problem with Jackie Taylor picking up 55 bags containing dog waste the previous day.


The Parish Council continues to support the Nature Trail volunteers providing tools and protective clothing. Mo made a request for 20 Safety Helmets. 


An ‘Information Board’ is still being sourced with grants already received from the Rotary Club and the Frederick Ingle Charity.


6a. Frederick Ingle Charity Update – Margaret Winn.


Margaret has been a Trustee and Correspondent for the Frederick Ingle Charity for 30 years on18th July and said it was an honour to manage Frederick’s legacy.  Margaret continued to give a detailed history of the Frederick Ingle Charity. For further reading see Appendix A.


7. Update from Colsterworth PTFA subject to availability.


The Clerk updated those attending that the £500 Grant awarded by the Parish Council towards a shed for pre-loved uniform had been used and that the shed was now erected and had been painted.


8. Update from Colsterworth Youth Club subject to availability.


Lucy Bateson Treasurer of the Colsterworth Youth Club gave an update on the Clubs history. Originally the Youth Club used to meet in the Little Legs Building but some years ago the numbers meeting dwindled with the advance of home technology. The building is now home to the Little Legs Nursery and the club collect a small amount of rent for upkeep of the building and providing youth activities such as: -

• Funds provided to the Festival of Performing Arts

• U14 Football kits

• Scouts

• Inflatables at the Social Club summer event.

Lucy explained the Club would like to do more for the teenagers in the village and are looking for good causes to support and more volunteers to help the Youth Club. Some ideas are BBQ’s and an outdoor cinema.


The Youth Club is looking to engage and involve people. 


9. Women’s Institute & Gardeners Club subject to availability


Rod Young the Gardeners and Allotment Holders Association Chairperson gave a brief history of the association, making a point that it was established many years ago is for both Gardeners and Allotment Holders. Only two of the current members are also allotment holders. There has been a drop in membership over the last year. They meet 10 times a year no meeting in January and August. They have regular speakers and last year Adam Frost accepted an invitation to speak which attracted a large number of attendees. They regularly have talks form the Head Gardeners at Belton and Easton who give demonstrations. In past years people have opened their gardens and have had social evenings. They are looking to visit or invite representatives from flower companies in Lincolnshire.


Members of the association are from Colsterworth and the outlying villages. They are always looking for new members and committee members.


The Clerk suggested that they would include a mention to the Gardeners and Allotment Holders Association on the Parish Councils communications to the allotment holders.


10. Any Motions by Electors (must be proposed 10 days before the Annual 

    Parish Meeting)


11. Any other business




The meeting closed at 8.35pm  


Chairman Date


Appendix A

Ingle Charity for the Annual Parish Meeting 2024

I have been a Trustee and Correspondent for the Frederick Ingle Charity for 30 years on18th July and it’s an honour to manage Frederick’s legacy.

Frederick Ingle was a truly benevolent Victorian/Edwardian gentleman at a time when there was little or no help available for the sick and poor. 

He was born into a farming family at Middlefield House, Colsterworth but didn’t follow in his father’s footsteps. Instead, he became assistant to an architect in Nottingham. 

Eventually he was made a partner in the business; they pioneered and patented a way of fireproofing concrete in buildings. The business grew rapidly and had offices in Whitehall.  Frederick was involved in the construction of many well-known buildings including the Foreign Office and the Winter Gardens Blackpool. But he was very fond of Colsterworth and its people, and returned to Middlefield House whenever he could.

Frederick died on 30th May 1912 aged 73 years, ending a life of architecture, science, and philanthropy. In his Will some of his tenants were gifted their homes; he left money to cousins worldwide and donated to charities in London, Nottingham, Bourne, Grantham, and Stamford.  

For the people of Colsterworth Parish he left a sum of money to be invested. The Charities were set up by his executors in 1914 – originally in three parts, the Benevolent Charity, the Nursing Charity, and the Pension Fund. The first list of beneficiaries was taken from Frederick’s own Christmas list of villagers he regularly supported. 

Some parts of the Charity funded a boy through Grammar School; paid for a boy’s apprenticeship, with boots and tools; and provided a nurse for the village, to care for the sick and poor. 

To benefit from the Charity, you had to be Sick, Poor and a Resident of the Parish for 5 years. Originally, to apply for a grant, you had to go for an interview at Middlefield House, then, if approved, go to the Doctor’s house on Stamford Road to collect your payment. 

The Charity still functions today; the original sum of money invested has grown over 15 times as we only use the Interest for grants. In 2001 work was done, with the help of the Charity Commissioners, to simplify the three parts and unite them under one heading ‘The Frederick Ingle Charity’, with the number of Trustees reduced from 9 to 5. 

The administration of the Charity is overseen by the Parish Council and the Charity Commissioners. Present trustees are myself, Peter Smith, Mark Harrison, Ruth Hollis and Helen Scorror.  We meet twice a year, in March and September, to consider grants. 

It is much more difficult nowadays to know who is deserving of personal grants, so we try to support other local charities, which any of our residents could benefit from. We like to support village groups such as the Scouts and Guides, the Church and Chapel and recently the War Memorial Restoration. 

We always try to make our decisions based on the remit of the original charity constitution and we ask the question - ‘would Frederick approve’!

You can visit Frederick in the Woolsthorpe Cemetery on Old Post Lane.   Thank you to the Nature Trail volunteers who help to keep his grave tidy.  

Isn’t it amazing to think that Frederick still touches our lives today?

As Correspondent I can be contacted by phone or email.

Margaret Winn

Frederick Ingle

I think he looks like King Edward VII