Draft Minutes


Draft Notes of the Parish Council meeting held on Tuesday 4th March 2025.


Public Forum


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed everyone to the meeting and acknowledged the four persons present at the Public Forum.


The first to speak explained that all four of them had come to the meeting to make the Parish Council aware of a Planning Application on South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) website for a change of use from a dwelling house at 9a School Lane, Colsterworth to a Children’s Care Home for two children between the age of 8yrs and 18yrs requiring 24/7 care. They stated that each child will require 2 possibly 3 x full time carers and a job vacancy for the Care Home had already been advertised prior to the Planning Application being submitted to SKDC.


Cllr Hainsworth advised that the Parish Council had not received official notification of the Planning Application and would ask for an extension to the deadline for comments. A discussion took place with the members of the public stating that they understood the need for Children’s Care Homes and gave the following but not limited to concerns: -

• The property is in a rural domestic setting and not suitable for children with severe needs.

• At night the area is very dark with poor street lighting.

• Limited parking for staff and visitors and additional transport needs (transport to and from school, outings etc) causing additional noise and congestion on the narrow School Lane.

• At staff changeover times there could be 10 x vehicles.  


Cllr E O’Neill (Vice Chair) invited Cllr D Bellamy to speak who advised that complex applications like this often go to the SKDC Planning Committee for decision.


Cllr C Hainsworth advised the members of the public to submit their own individual representations to SKDC and thanked them for attending the public forum and bringing the Planning Application to the attention of the Parish Council.


Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) Councillor C Vernon advised that LCC Highways Department are responsible for the Highway and would be consulted for their view.


Cllr D Bellamy advised that they would call in the application to go to the Planning Committee in their capacity as an SKDC Cllr.


Cllr E O’Neill suggested the neighbouring residents share their concerns with the Parish Council for their records.


Cllr C Hainsworth asked for those present to keep in contact with the Clerk.


The Public Forum was extended to 7.45pm to allow all those present to speak.


Councillors: C Hainsworth, E O’Neill, C Rowland, D Bellamy, C Russell, A Bouvie, R Chatterton, L McShane, M Childs, R Brocklebank and T O’Regan.


In Attendance   


Sue Grant, Clerk to the Parish Council.

SKDC Cllr D Bellamy 

LCC Cllr C Vernon who left the meeting at 8.05pm.


Agenda Item No

2024.152 Apologies for absence.


2024.153 Chairman’s remarks.


Cllr C Hainsworth (Chair) welcomed the return of Cllr R Brocklebank and invited all Cllrs to introduce themselves. They acknowledged former Cllr G Henton’s resignation from the Parish Council.

2024.154 Declarations of interest in accordance with the LGA 2000



2024.155 Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. 


Cllr R Brocklebank abstained as they were not present at the previous meeting, all others present agreed that the official minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on 4th February 2025 be approved as a correct record and duly signed and dated by the chairperson.


2024.156 County/District Councillor Report.

LCC Cllr C Vernon Reported: -

1. They urged Cllrs to register and attend the A1 Road Safety Workshop Invitation Wednesday 12th March 2025, 19.00 - 21.00. The Olde Barn Hotel, Toll Bar Rd, Marston which can also be joined remotely. If Cllrs are unable to attend comments can be submitted online. They are committed to keep the pressure on to improve the safety of the A1. The Clerk agreed to re-circulate the invitation. 

2. Fix My Street (FMS) Cllr R Chatterton commented that FMS was good for reporting pot holes and grit bin refill requests but did not fit for damage to vehicles. Cllr C Vernon advised this should be reported to the Police by way of a 101 report and that dashcam footage is proving useful using Operation SNAP.

Cllr D Bellamy questioned why there is no CCTV at hot spots such as Ponton.

3. The overnight A1 road works would be changing the following week to Northbound to Southbound.

4. A Business Hub is being created at Grantham Library.

5. World Book Day on 6th March 2025 will include outfit/costume swaps.

6. Changes to the Parish Grass Cutting Agreement 2025/2026. They will take forward the concerns raised by the Clerk with LCC Highways.


SKDC Cllr D Bellamy Reported: -

1. Local Plan Consultation – The next consultation will be in June/July 2025.

2. Devolution Debate in April 2025: The Leadership of SKDC want SKDC to merge with Rutland.

3. Mayoral Elections: These are going ahead in May which will be complicated if the proposed devolution areas are merged.

4. If SKDC is merged with Rutland Council Tax may increase as Rutland pays a higher Council Tax than SKDC.

5. The quarry on Crabtree Lane, Skillington is almost exhausted and will be moving to restoration of the quarry at a future date. Cllr C Hainsworth commented that the Parish Council need to be alert to this as the area was covered by Skillington Parish Council.

6. The ‘No HGV’s’ sign had been installed at Stainby by LCC Highways.


SKDC Cllr B Green sent their apologies: - Cllr C Hainsworth read out the following main points of Cllr B Greens report circulated earlier that day.

1. An increase in Council Tax, with a 2.98% rise for Band D properties and a 2.7% increase for Housing Revenue Account (HRA) rents on social housing.

2. £100,000 has been secured for the flooding reserve.

3. A1 Litter Clearance: It has been agreed to take advantage of the nighttime closures for safe litter collection. 

4. Cllr L McShane said they had noticed the A1 Slip Road which regularly floods having some work carried out suggesting Cllrs monitor this.


2024.157 Amendment to minute ref February 2024.139.2 - North Witham sandbags and storage bin (Cllr D Bellamy) 


Resolve to purchase: -

1 x grit storage bin at a cost of £95.95 excl vat incl delivery.

30 x prefilled sandbags at a cost of £129.00 excl vat incl delivery.


**Cllr D Bellamy proposed the below amendment to the agenda item following an offer received from Cllr Richard Cleaver, Cabinet Member for Property and Public Engagement to purchase aqua sacks at £3.80 per bag which superseded the costings above.


Resolve to purchase aqua sacks at a cost of £3.80 excl vat including delivery up to £250. 

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed subject to confirming specifications and storage are manageable.


2024.158 Resolve to approve the Wicksteed Leisure quotation of £851.56 incl vat for repairs to the Hurricane swing and Cableway on Colster Way Play area.


It was proposed, seconded and


The Clerk negotiated a 10% discount on the £600 labour and travelling costs reducing the total cost to £791.56 excl vat. Unanimously agreed.


2024.159 Resolve to hold the Annual Parish Meeting on Tuesday 22nd April 2025 at The Colsterworth Methodist Church Hall, Back Lane, Colsterworth.


It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


2024.160 Risk Exception Report.


Cllr R Brocklebank requested the Clerk obtains quotations to repair the missing/damaged railings around the Arena Park at Woolsthorpe Playing area. All other items on the report received with no comment.

2024.161 Clerks Report Action

1. Thank you to Cllrs Ellis O’Neill, and Mike Childs for planting the Colsterworth and District Parish Council Coronation Community Orchard, with volunteers Alix O’Neill and Steve Grant assisting on a very cold and wet Saturday afternoon 15th February 2025.

Post completion report and supporting documents submitted to SKDC by the Clerk on 17th February 2025. Clerk

2. Two incidents of fly tipping on Stamford Road reported to SKDC: -

1. Empty builders bags.

2. Arm chair. Clerk

3. Request to install a stone memorial on plot Z1 Old Post Lane Cemetery. This was approved by the Parish Council at their meeting on 4th July 2023. Post completion report submitted to SKDC on 17/02/2025 for the remaining 25% of the Grant funds. Clerk

4. Fix My Street report 2818559 Gapping tarmac on Ash Close, no further action by Highways. Clerk

5. Colster Way play area repairs completed as agreed at the December 2024 PC Meeting. Clerk

6. Fly tipping on Skillington Road reported to SKDC. Confectionery and condiment bottles. Clerk

7. Missing Water Lane street nameplate reported to SKDC. Location, Water Lane junction Old Post Lane. Clerk

8. LCC Highways 2025-2026 Parish Grass Cutting agreement received. Changes to contractors Public Liability Insurance from £5 Mil to £10 Mil communicated to the contractor. An agenda item for Parish Council meeting 1st April 2025. Clerk/Cllrs

2024.162 Correspondence

1. A copy of the Balance Sheet for the Accounts Year ending 31st December 2024 received for the Frederick Ingle Charity. Filed for the Parish Council records. Clerk

2. Notification received from Lincolnshire County Council of the on-going Section 19 flood investigation works into the flooding on 5th and 6th January 2025. GeoSmart will be conducting a site visit in the Colsterworth Parish on Monday 10th February. Clerk/Cllrs

3. Email received from a resident unhappy about the two bus stop poles/signs installed on the High Street on Wednesday 5th February 2025. Cllr Vernon taking this forward with LCC Highways. Clerk/Cllr Vernon.

4. 2nd Email received regarding concern over the new bus stop/poles on the High Street. 

• Obstruction of the Footpath

• Unsafe for Buses and Traffic Congestion and Parking Issues

Grade II listed building Clerk/Cllr Vernon

5. The revised Local Development Scheme (2025-2028) was approved at Cabinet on 11 February 2025 and can be found on the Council’s website 

Local Development Scheme | South Kesteven District Council


6. Report of fly tipping on Stamford Road, outside the allotments. Reported to SKDC. Clerk

7. Report of an abandoned car on Woolsthorpe Road. Advised to make a report to the Police. Clerk

8. Request for road safety measures such as mirrors to be installed on blind bends in Gunby. Clerk/ Cllr C Vernon

9. Colsterworth Highway Verge Parish Agreement Scheme 2025 agreement & plans received from LCC Highways. Some changes highlighted to Cllr C Vernon for more clarity. Awaiting feedback. Clerk/Cllr C Vernon.

10. Report of speeding vehicles from the A1 entering the village from Stamford Road and a request for a Vehicle Activated Sign (VAS) to be installed on Stamford Road. Clerk/Cllrs

11. Invitation received to the stakeholder workshop 'Road Safety on the A1'. 

Date and Time: Wednesday 12th March 2025, 19.00 - 21.00

The workshop will run for approximately 2 hours

Location:  The Olde Barn Hotel, Toll Bar Rd, Marston, Grantham NG32 2HT Clerk/Cllrs

12. Offer received from Councillor Richard Cleaver, Cabinet Member for Property & Public Engagement to purchase sandbags at a reduced price. Clerk/Cllrs

13. Report of a sharp bolt of the children’s climbing frame on Colster War play area causing a small rip on a carers coat. The Clerk attended to look at the bolt and found a small, raised edge. The bolt looked like it could have been tampered with and covered the bolt with tape to make the area safe. They will arrange for the bolt to be filed down and contact the supplier Wicksteed Leisure for a replacement bolt. Clerk/ Cllr C Rowland agreed to file the sharp edge and make safe.

2024.163 SKDC Planning Applications

S25/0181 Erection of an earth sheltered dwelling house with associated soft/hard

landscaping. Land To West of B6403/A1 Slip Road, Colsterworth, Lincolnshire. None

S25/0309 Extension to garage. Location: 9 Ingle Court, Woolsthorpe By Colsterworth, Lincolnshire, NG33 5PB, None

SKDC Planning Permission

S24/1858 Provision of replacement roof to the single storey part of the dwelling with new side window and removal of the internal, division wall between the kitchen and dining rooms.

Porters Lodge Farmhouse Morkery Lane, Castle Bytham Lincolnshire NG33 4SR

S24/1863 Provision of replacement roof to the single storey part of the dwelling with new side window and removal of the internal division wall between the kitchen and dining rooms.

Porters Lodge Farmhouse Morkery Lane Castle Bytham Lincolnshire NG33 4SR

SKDC Planning Refusal

S24/0568 Development East Of Sewstern Industrial Estate South of Sewstern Road, Gunby, Lincolnshire, NG33 5RD. AD Plant. Confirmation received on 13.02.2025.

S24/1487 Construction of 5 No. dwellings (2 no. bungalows and 3 no. houses), removal of 1 no. tree, hedgerow and formation of associated car parking and landscaping. Land Off Bourne Road Colsterworth.

2024.164 Finance and Administration (F & A) Committee No Report This Month (Cllrs E O’Neill, A Bouvie & C Hainsworth) 


1. Resolve to renew the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils Membership subscription of £486.06 net.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.


2. Resolve to renew the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils (LALC) annual training scheme membership at £160 net.

It was proposed, seconded and


Unanimously agreed.

Resolve to renew the following Policies at their annual renewal: -

3. Marking the death of a Senior National Figure Protocol. No changes.

4. CAD Working Group Terms of Reference (Removed - Ref to Committee)

It was proposed, seconded and


Agenda items 2024.164.3 & 4 Unanimously Agreed.


5. CAD F&A Terms of Reference (Addition - Chair of F&A Committee is direct line management for the Clerk)

It was proposed, seconded and


Cllr E O’Neill abstained, all others agreed.


6. Update on the Community Car Park. (The Clerk)


The Clerk advised that their enquiries with Companies House and National Archives had not provided any further information.

A separate enquiry had been made with the SKDC Legal Team on the original transfer of the Colster Way land to the Parish Council. Awaiting a response.


A short discussion took place regarding 1st Registration with the Land Registry. Cllr C Russell suggested inviting the Bowls Club to make good the car park as they have filed for 1st Registration.


Net Position by Cost Centre and Code – 23.02.2025 


Cllr C Hainsworth highlighted the net % position of several items which were answered to their satisfaction by the Clerk. 


2024. 165 Planning Committee Report 


1. Neighbourhood Plan Review. On Hold.


2. Resolve for the Parish Council consider forming a Collective with Buckminster and South Witham Parish Councils in anticipation that the applicant of Planning Application S/24/0568 will appeal against the refusal decision and apply for a Rule 6 Status as an interested party allowing them to question the applicant.

It was proposed, seconded and


Cllr C Hainsworth invited Cllr D Bellamy to give an overview of the appeals process following which it was unanimously agreed to form a Working Group to work with neighbouring Parish Councils and consider applying for Rule 6 Status as a collective or separately.


Group Reports

2024.166 Highways & Footpaths Working Group Report (The Clerk) Ad-hoc report. No report this month. 


Cllr C Hainsworth and the Clerk agreed to gather emerging road safety and signage issues and report back to full council.





Environment & Amenities Working Group Report.

War Memorial Restoration Project


1. Update on the Lectern War Memorial Gardens. (The Clerk)

The Lectern was delivered on 28th February 2025 and the South Kesteven UK Shared Prosperity Fund grant post completion report will be submitted to SKDC once the invoice had debited the Parish Council bank account.


Cllrs C Rowland and M Childs agreed to volunteer to install the Lectern on the War Memorial Gardens the first week of April 2025 once the position had been agreed.


2. Update on the UKSPF Application to pay for temporary repairs to St Mary’s 

Church roof, North Witham. (Cllr D Bellamy).


No update still awaiting third quotation.


3. Emergency Plan Review Update. (The Clerk)

It was proposed, seconded and



The Clerk had obtained the latest Emergency Plan Template. Cllr C Hainsworth asked the Clerk to share this with them.


Unanimously approved see Appendix A


2024.169 Matters requiring attention such as potholes and faulty streetlights.


Thank you to Cllr C Rowland for making the adjustments to the two litter bins on Colster Way play area so that rain water can drain away to assist the Community Cleaners when emptying the bins.. 


Training courses attended –

1. 10/02/2025 LALC Planning System, Cllrs C Hainsworth, C Russell and the Clerk.

2. 18/02/2025 LALC End of Year and Audit – The Clerk.

2024.170 The date of the next Parish Council meeting is Tuesday 1st April 2025. There being no other business, Chairperson C Hainsworth closed the meeting at 9.19pm.




CHAIRPERSON                                                         DATE:




Attendance to date (May 2024 to April 2025) – annual maximum 10 (No meeting August & January) 

Cllr Name Constituency Attended Apologies Absent

J Clark* Resigned 03/10/2024 North Witham & Lobthorpe 2 3

D Bellamy North Witham & Lobthorpe 8 1

A Bouvie Colsterworth 8 1

E O’Neill Colsterworth 8 1

C Hainsworth Colsterworth 9

G Henton * Resigned 04/02/2025 Colsterworth 5 3

L McShane Colsterworth 4 5

S Banwait* Resigned 07/05/2024 Colsterworth

C Russell Colsterworth 9

K Vickers Colsterworth 5 2

M Childs Colsterworth 8 1

C Rowland Colsterworth 9

R Chatterton Gunby & Stainby 7 2

Vacancy Gunby & Stainby

Vacancy North Witham & Lobthorpe

Vacancy Colsterworth

Vacancy Colsterworth